At the end of every day, in 60 Seconds! during Survival Mode, it is possible that an event may occur. An event requires the player's input, as opposed to day-ending text with no options for input, which are essentially flavor text, completely benign to gameplay. Events grant or take away items, and change the status of the family members in the shelter.
Events occur at random, although some events or results of events are more likely during a certain range of days. Other events are extremely likely to repeat. Depending on the choices the player makes, branching paths of events will happen later on in the gameplay that determine whether or not the family will survive or what threats the family will bring upon itself. In the case of events that lead toward the military ending or the twins ending, the event will repeat until the correct choice is given.
Five types of events exist in gameplay, defined by how the character interacts with it:
- Selecting a character to send outside,
- Selecting a character for an event inside the bunker,
- Yes or No events,
- Events that require the use of one of the items in the shelter, which may or may not consume it, and
- trade events.
This article is intended to be an exhaustive listing of every single day-ending event that happens in 60 Seconds! Survival Mode gameplay. All names of the events come from the game-end journal, which shows a listing of every event that occurred during gameplay.
"Send Someone" Events[]
--> List Of Events ("Send Someone" Events).
"Yes Or No" Events[]
--> List Of Events ("Yes Or No" Events).
"Items" Events[]
Events using items either require the player to choose one item in order to advance to the next day, or the event can be skipped entirely without making a choice. Some items can be consumed during these events, others have a chance of being consumed, and others will never be consumed (the Boy Scout Handbook and the Map, for example, are extremely unlikely to be consumed unless the twins request either one).
10 On The Richter Scale!:[]
1. What is that? It seems like a distant rumble, but it's getting louder... and why is everything shaking? Oh god, it's a quake! Grab something and hold on!
2. Peculiar... it seems that the whole shelter has been shaking every couples of minutes, and it feels like it's getting stronger every time this happens. Here it comes again... and it's way worse! It's an earthquake! Hold on to something!
Use Gas Mask:[]
- We got to the gasmask in time, just before it was about to get smashed by jumping pieces of furniture. That was one hell of a quake! Let's try to stay positive - this was hardly anything compared to the nuke that dropped recently. You know the one, right? -Flashlight -Radio
- Everyone ok? Let's hope so... We need to make a proper inspection. That was one nasty earthquake. We never used to get such a bad ones before! It's all because of the atoms. Definitely the atoms. NO ONE should mess with the atoms. NO. ONE. -Flashlight -Radio
- (If Flashlight and Radio aren't in the shelter) Anyone hurt? Hopefully not. This entire place is a mess, but nothing seems to be very badly damaged. It should be good as new after we do a bit of spring cleaning.
Use Radio:[]
- Earthquake or not, nothing is going to stand between us and our daily dose of radio static! We were able to grab it before it could fall down and get smashed. Something else might be broken, but we won't know until we've clean this place up. -Flashlight -Gas Mask
- Everyone ok? Let's hope so... We need to make a proper inspection. That was one nasty earthquake. We never used to get such a bad ones before! It's all because of the atoms. Definitely the atoms. NO ONE should mess with the atoms. NO. ONE. -Flashlight -Gas Mask
- (If Flashlight and Gas Mask aren't in the shelter) Anyone hurt? Hopefully not. This entire place is a mess, but nothing seems to be very badly damaged. It should be good as new after we do a bit of spring cleaning.
Use Flashlight:[]
- That was a close call! The torch was about to hit the floor when we caught it, but honestly, the whole place is a mess. Something might've been broken. We won't know until we look throught everything. Let's hope no more quakes will hit us. -Radio -Gas Mask
- Everyone ok? Let's hope so... We need to make a proper inspection. That was one nasty earthquake. We never used to get such a bad ones before! It's all because of the atoms. Definitely the atoms. NO ONE should mess with the atoms. NO. ONE. -Radio -Gas Mask
- (If Radio and Gas Mask aren't in the shelter) Anyone hurt? Hopefully not. This entire place is a mess, but nothing seems to be very badly damaged. It should be good as new after we do a bit of spring cleaning
Choose Nothing:[]
- Well, that's one hell of a mess. So many things got broken that we don't even know where to start. At least the bunker is still intact and the ceiling didn't fall on our heads. That's some sort of relief. -Flashlight -Radio -Gas Mask
- (If Flashlight, Radio and Gas Mask aren't in the shelter) Anyone hurt? Hopefully not. This entire place is a mess, but nothing seems to be very badly damaged. It should be good as new after we do a bit of spring cleaning.
And My Axe!:[]
1. When we hear a knock on the door and decide to open, out heart rate always goes up a bit. Fortunately this time it wasn't some bloodthirsty raiders, but the brother and sister that we befriended some time ago. They're quite ambitious - together with their group, they're trying to construct a few houses and make a small camp. If we have an axe, we could help them with the construction.
2. The siblings kept their word and visited us again with a request. Seeing as they're slowly running our of space in their tend, their group is attempting to build a small camp for themselves. They already gathered some resources, but they need someone to help them chop wood and build houses.
Use Axe:[]
- We got a few splinters, but the work is done. We even had some fun, it was almost like building that treehouse in our backyard all over again! The group and their leader appreciated our help and said they would definitely let us know when the whole thing is finished, so we can come to visit them! +Twins ending continues
Use Nothing:[]
- (With Axe in the shelter) They must be joking. Going out to the wasteland to chop wood? We've got enough troubles already, we don't need to add radioactive splinters to the list. No, thank you.
- (With Axe in the shelter) This is the worst idea we've heard all week. What if the axe breaks? How stupid will we look when the raiders come and we can't defend ourselves because we played lumberjacks?
- (Without Axe in the shelter) We wish we had an axe... its wood chopping qualities are quite useful, but it's even better as a deadly weapon against bandits. Either way, we obviously couldn't help our friends today.
- (Without Axe in the shelter) It's unfortunate, but we don't have any tools and we can't just chop wood with our bare hands, no matter how determined we are. We had to refuse.
- (Without Axe in the shelter) We apologized for not being able to help at this time. Maybe we can find an axe soon and join the fun, but right now we have no way of helping these folks.
Assisted The Army:[]
1. We received another radio broadcast from the military. Apparently, they wouldn't be arriving when we expected, but they suggested they won't be long. However, survivors were requested to render assistance by bringing gas canisters to the nearest bus stop for the military vehicle s to use. We supposed wer could do it, but not without a gas mask. Who know how long it will take and we don't want to get ill in the process.
2. Soliders send out another radio message requesting all the survivours in the area remain patient and await further instructions. Sounds like the extraction isn't coming as soon as we hoped it would. Additionally, the officier from the broadcast request that all survivors who are able to bring some gas canisters at the nearest bus stop should do it as soon as possible. That might take a while, so the only sane idea is to wear a gas mask.
3. It's the army again! We thought they were near, but it's seems something kept them away. Guess we're not leaving just yet. Their broadcast was concluded with a request for assistance. They want us to take a few canisters of gas to the nearest bus stop. Apparently, they need it for their transport. This is not something we can do very quickly, so we need a gas mask to stay safe. There is no need to get sick right before we get rescued.
Use Gas Mask:[]
- All set! The canisters are in place and we're safetly back home. Well... if you can call it that. And hopefully for not too long. We will see what the next few days will bring. +Military ending continues
Use Nothing:[]
- We felt it was too risky to help the army without using a gas mask. It seems our rescue will be a bit overdue.
Astro-Citizen Salesman:[]
Some door-to-door salesman found his way to our shelter. We remember him from before the apocalypse. He came over with a bunch of leaflets and tried to convince us to join something called Astro-Citizen, but we refused. Now he just wants supplies and he says he will reveal some state secrets to us in return.
Use Water/Soup:[]
- We are generous, so we shared our supplies with him. He tried to make us believe that America has a working space station in orbit. Or rather had, since according to that guy, it exploded when the bombs dropped. How convenient! A working space station? What a joker. He was probably so hungry and dehydrated, his brain started playing tricks on him. -1 Water/Soup +Increases everyone's sanity
Use Nothing:[]
- As a rule, we don't trust door-to-door salesman, especially ones who attempt treason. We told him to go back to whatever planet he dropped to Earth from. He got angry and stormed off, mumbling something about how our souls are going to be devoured by alien lord Xontar. Poor guy. He seemed very confused.
Bad Smell:[]
1. The problem is simple. If we don't wash ourselves, we'll get sick. Seriously sick. It smells really bad down here and doesn't seem like it'll get any better over the next couple of days. How about we do something to fix it?
2. Its been a while since we showered. The smell in this tiny shelter is as far from rose as it can get. We had thought of washing ourselves... too bad we didn't grab any soap along the way, but maybe we can do with something else?
3. After all the days we've spent down here, we are not exactly clean. We smell bad. Real bad. It didn't bother us until we noticed it, and now we are about to get sick. So why not take a shower? We don't have soap, but there are other alternatives to consider.
Use Ammunition:[]
- Dirty or not, it's the smell that's the biggest issue here. How do we deal with that? Well, we've got some spare of ammo, so why not use the gunpowder to kill the smell? Let's rub it in! Sounds like a brilliant idea! -Ammo +Cure everyone's sickness
Use Gas Mask:[]
- What doesn't kill you make you stronger. If we can survive just a little bit longer, dirty ears shouldn't be much of a problem, just to be sure... dibs on the gas mask! +Cure everyone's sickness
Use Bug Spray:[]
- We finally have a good use for that bug spray we brought down. It probably smells better than we do, so we can use it to become a bit more presentable. Smell-wise, anyway. -Bug Spray +Cure everyone's sickness
Use Nothing:[]
- The world has ended. Who cares about showering?! We can get used to it. Adapting shouldn't be hard. It will be like a camping trip! It will... oh no, that smell is just terrible! Don't puke! Don't... *suspicious green stains cover parts of the page* +Everyone get sick
Bandits Shall Not Pass:[]
1. Just when we thought we might have a quiet day, we got invaded. A group of bandits is on the other side of that door, demanding we walk out hand in the air, or they will get in the hard way. That doesn't sound too good. What do we do?
2. Bandits are at the door, promising us the worst fate we can imagine if we don't let them in! It's time to make a stand or surrender.
3.Alarm! Someone is trying to break in and they're not alone. We'd better get ready, or else we might end up dead. Or worse.
4. All hands on deck! There are people on the other side of the door, and they don't seem too friendly. In fact, they've promised us painful death death at lest 17 times already, and it's only been five minutes since they arrived! We'd better prepare, they'll be forcing that door open any minute now!
5. A gang of thugs strated banging on our door, ordering us to surrender and give up all of our supplies. How do we respond to these scumbags?
6. A band of raiders are at our doorstep! They demand we let them in! This is no game. We either yeilds or we fight back. There's no middle ground here.
Use Harmonica:[]
- (1st time) They lowered down their weapon and cried a few tears, surprised by the beauty of our music. They will let us live... today.
- (2nd time) We live to see another day! Our attempt at producing beautiful, sorrowful music that would soften their heart resulted in a cacophony of hellish noises instead. The attackers ran aways, covering their ears. They will probably be back... -Harmonica
Use Padlock:[]
- We didn't think that a small padlock would stop them, but it turned out to be able to discourage the unknown attackers. It seems that they gave this whole break-in a fair shot, but ultimately gave up and left. Too bad that padlock is in no shape to be used again. We need to think of other ways to fight off the bandits and other soup hungry barbarians. -Padlock
- We've taken a stand and shown these bandit who's in charge here. We're hoping they won't come back with more friend some other time...
- We were able to defend our home this time. What if they come back?
- We were able to fight off the bandits this time, but there's no guarantee they won't come back. We need to prepared at all times.
Use Axe:[]
- Our axe broke during the fight. We should get a new one as quickly as we can. -Axe
- We've taken a stand and shown these bandit who's in charge here. We're hoping they won't come back with more friend some other time...
- We were able to defend our home this time. What if they come back?
- We were able to fight off the bandits this time, but there's no guarantee they won't come back. We need to prepared at all times.
Use Rifle:[]
- (With Ammo) That spare of ammo we brought came in handy. -Ammo
- We've taken a stand and shown these bandit who's in charge here. We're hoping they won't come back with more friend some other time...
- We were able to defend our home this time. What if they come back?
- We were able to fight off the bandits this time, but there's no guarantee they won't come back. We need to prepared at all times.
- (Without Ammo) Our trusty old rifle helped us fight, but now it's just a piece of junk. This is not good. -Rifle
- We've taken a stand and shown these bandit who's in charge here. We're hoping they won't come back with more friend some other time...
- We were able to defend our home this time. What if they come back?
- We were able to fight off the bandits this time, but there's no guarantee they won't come back. We need to prepared at all times.
Use Nothing:[]
- (If Mutant Mary Jane is in the shelter)(1st time) We were as surprised as those bandits when Mary Jane launched herself forward and dealt with those scumbags using methods best described as "brute-force". We were almost worried for them. Almost.
- (If Mutant Mary Jane is in the shelter)(2nd time) Having already seen our special Mary Jane in action, we weren't surprised when she jumped on our assailants with the fury of a thousand wasteland suns. This time, however, she did not let them go. We watched her disappear over the radioactive horizon, chasing the terrified thugs far, far away. We will missed her, but hopefully she finds... her own people out there, somewhere. (Mary Jane died)
- (If Pancake is in the shelter) If it wasn't for Pancake, we would've surrendered! He jumped those thugs like a mighty lion and chased them away! We haven't seen Pancake since then, but we have a feeling he's OK. (Pancake left the shelter)
- (If Soup/Water was used on the event "???") It's hard to tell who was more surprised - us or the bandits on the other side of our door, when our mutated friends jumped out of their hiding spots and came to our aid! They quickly forced the raiders to retreat. Helping the mutant group was a great idea! We hope everything goes well for them and at least tonight we can sleep without worries.
- (If Ted is in the shelter) We thought these bandits would just kill us all, but instead they grabbed Ted and took him away at gunpoint! We hope nothing bad will happen to him... (Ted gets captured)
- (If Dolores is in the shelter) Oh no! Instead of murdering us all and robbing our supplies like we expected them to, the bandits grabbed Dolores and pulled her out of the shelter, kicking and screaming... damn you, bandits! Dolores will make you pay for this, we're sure of it! (Dolores gets captured)
- (If Mary Jane is in the shelter) The enemies stormed into our shelter but instead of gabbing our supplies, they got Mary Jane! She put up a fight and kept biting her kidnappers furiously... we hope they don't hurt her. (Mary Jane gets captured)
- (If Timmy is in the shelter) We watched helplessy as those cruel thugs took Timmy out of the shelter. We hope we'll see him again someday... (Timmy gets captured)
- Our safe heaven was invaded by a filthy and vulgar band of thugs. Their look in the eyes did not pomise anything good. If we only held out a bit longer, maybe the military would've rescued us. +Unlock "This is the end" Achievement (Game Over)
- This is not the ending we pictured. Captured in our own shelter by bandits. Goodbye, cruel world. +Unlock "This is the end" Achievement (Game Over)
- After a fierce fight, our shelter, our home, was stormed by heavily armed bandits. Nothing good await us in their hands. Rehearsing pleas of mercy might be our only chance of ever seeing the sky again, even if it's obscured by radioactive dust. +Unlock "This is the end" Achievement (Game Over)
Beast Fight:[]
1. Mutated rodents are attacking our supplies! We're not sure if they're rats, ferals bunnies or just mutated hamsters. All of these option are pretty grim. We could use spare ammunition or something else to get rid of every one of these pests.
2. We woke up today feeling very uncomfortable. It was like... like someone, or something, was watching us! We could sworn we noticed movement in the shadows. If anything besides us is alive in the bunker, it's time to teach it who's the boss around here.
3. We felt like something was staring at us from the corner of the shelter. We think it's a rat. At least, it looks like a rat, a rat on a very good diet... We decided we need to do something about it, or, to put it more bluntly - it's either him or us!
4. It's really weird when you get the feeling that something is watching you. Our shelter is tiny, but this has been bugging us for a while now. We checked all the closets and no one's hiding there! Is there something alive down here, besides us? Maybe a rodent of some kind? If so, we need to show it that we are the dominant species in this little paradise of ours!
Use Axe:[]
- Our cans are saved! Too bad for the hairy mutant! Guess we're still top of the food chain. Good for us.
- Whatever it was it's dead now. Quite dead. Maybe there's more hiding somewhere in one of those nasty little holes.
Use Rifle:[]
- Whatever it was it's dead now. Quite dead. Maybe there's more hiding somewhere in one of those nasty little holes.
- (Sometimes) Damn, our gun blew up when we tried to shoot the thing. -Rifle
- Our cans are saved! Too bad for the hairy mutant! Guess we're still top of the food chain. Good for us
- (Sometimes) Damn, our gun blew up when we tried to shoot the thing. -Rifle
Use Nothing:[]
- That beast of a rodent won. It won and stole our food. Can or no can, at least we have each other, right? We're just worried it'll come back to finish what it started... -1 Soup
Cards Tricks:[]
1. The army is on the radio again! They said they'll be scouting the neighbourhood and need to find clear signs of survivors that are still alive. We were asked to leave a few cards at the nearest bus stop to mark how many people occupied our shelter. We should get going if we want to make it before nightfall.
2. Another broadcast from the military! They said they need to locate the general area we're in, an that they want us to leave specific markings close by. They said the marking should be... cards. Playing cards. How strange is that? We're supposed to go out to the nearest bus stop and pin the card denoting our headcount there. Weird? Perhaps, but if we're doing it, the time is now.
3. We received another transmission from the army! They'll be doing a quick sweep of the area, and asked all survivors to leave markings at the nearest bus stop to indicate they're around. The markings are to be made with cards. Guess we won't be able to play poker, but if that get us rescued, then we can probably mae that sacrifice.
Use Cards:[]
- The cards are in place. All we need to do is wait for the army to pinpoint our location. That shouldn't take long, we hope. +Military ending continues
Use Nothing:[]
- Damn it, we missed our chance to let the military know where we are! There is a good bet they will that be?!
Dead Air:[]
1. It has become more and more difficult to breathe in the shelter over the last couple of hours. We suspect there is something wrong with the ventilation. Maybe it got stuck somehow? But how? We need to investigate or we might suffocate.
2. A few more hours of coughing and we'll get used to it! Our ventilation fans have halted, and no fresh air seems to be circulating through the shelter. We have to fix it before we suffocate like rats trapped by a professional and very cruel rat catcher.
3. We can barely breathe in this damn shelter. For the last couple of hours the situation has been getting noticeably worse. There might be something wrong with the ventilation system. Maybe it's stuck? If that's the case, we need to look into fixing it right away!
Use Flashlight:[]
- The obvious thing to do when a vent is blocked, is to check what's blocking it. However, when you shine your flashlight on a hive of mutated insects, things usually go from bad to worse. The angry hive is gone, but the insects did some biting before they fled. +Someone gets hurt
Use Scout Handbook:[]
- Using the handbook to research vent maintenance seemed like a fair idea. We figured if it's full of pointers on how to fix things, it much have a chapter on nuclear shelter air-filtration systems. Before we could even check, we were invaded by a group of angry, mutant insects which flew out of that cursed vent. Their stings hurt like hell and seemed to give us a fever... +Someone gets sick
Use Bug Spray:[]
- We decided to spray the hell out of that vent, just to be on the safe side. Turned out it was the right thing to do. A couple of mutated insects fell out followed by a gust of fresh air. -Bug Spray
Choose Nothing:[]
- We decided to ignore any problems with the vents and focus on other problems. As predicted, all of us developed a nasty cough and had trouble breathing, but it got better next morning. We don't know what the issue was, but the important thing is, it's gone now. +The characters who were sick recently get sick
Deadly Boredom:[]
{ (If Mary Jane and Timmy are in the shelter) }(To be checked)
1. Let's do something today. Something fun. If we don't, someone might snap and that's the last thing we want.
2. Where is a ball when you need one? We are really bored and we need something to occupy ourselves with. Too many hours of counting pipe droplets is not healthy. There has to be an alternative.
3. There is not much you can do in this tiny bunker. We need to fight the boredom, otherwise someone might feel like going out to admire the radioactive landscape, or something equally crazy like learning about foreign geography. We need to do something!
4. We're bored. No, really. WE'RE BORED. And we have to do something about it, or we'll end up as some cannibalistic, post-apocalyptic savages armed with toasters. It's time to do something.
Choose Rifle:[]
- It's man's second nature to hunt. We went to see if there's anything worth hunting outside. We ran into this nice looking man, so we started yelling loudly and waving our gun at him. He probably misunderstood this universal gesture of peace, because he fled before we could talk. But he left two cans of soup behind! +2 Soup
- (If Ted or Dolores is in the shelter) Someone needs to check if the rifle is in good condition. All it needs is a little peek down the barrel. Argh! We did take a first aid kit with us, didn't we? +Ted/Dolores gets injured
Choose Radio:[]
- If you put a sea shell to your ear, you can hear the ocean. We discovered if you put your ear next to a radio, you can hear static! And it's almost like an ocean! Who needs seashells any more!
- Despite all the interference, our radio was able to get a charming groove on. We even sang a bit about not setting the world on fire. This is clearly an oldie."+Increases everyone's sanity
Choose Deck Of Cards:[]
- There are few things as relaxing as cards... and we only have cards, so a game or two doesn't hurt. +Increases everyone's sanity
- We decided to have little poker game with some food cans as a currency. Things got a bit rough. So rough, it ended badly for our flashlight. It got smashed to pieces. What a shame -Flashlight
Choose Checkerboard:[]
- A game of checkers, a cup of coffee and a newspaper is all a 1950's man needs. There's no coffee down here, and the paper boy probably got blown up... Yay, checkers! +Increases everyone's sanity
- { ([Sometimes] If Mary Jane is in the shelter) Mary Jane never got along with board games... so it´s no wonder checkers almost drove her insane. Checkers does that to some people. +Decreases Mary Jane's sanity }(To be checked)
Choose Nothing:[]
- We decided that staring at the walls in silence is a great way of passing the time.
Dolores' Blues:[]
(If Dolores is tired)
1. Everything would be fine if it wasn't for Dolores. She doesn't seem well. She used to be so energetic and happy. Now she just sits there and sulks. We should do something about it.
2. Dolores has been awful silent. Is there anything we can do to help her?
3. We're locked up and it's easy to grow tired of this situation. Dolores has been looking rather down for a while now. She even refuses to eat soup, how crazy is that? It's hard to say if we can help her, but trying to cheer her up might be worth a shot.
Use Bug Spray:[]
- Who would have thought that an insect killer spray could do miracles for hair modelling? When we accidentally sprayed Dolores' hair, it actually helped! She was able to shape it the way she always liked it. It still looks more or less the same, but she even smiled. +Increases Dolores sanity
- Spraying someone in the face to make them smile sound like a brilliant plan. Until you try it. Then you realize there must have been a significant error in your line of reasoning. Not only do they not smile - they get angry. +Decreases Dolores' sanity +Dolores gets sick
Use Boy Scout Handbook:[]
- Dolores was always a bookworm. When she didn't have a book to read, she would read labels on detergents. The Scout Handbook sucked her right in, and all she's been talking about lately is making campfires. +Increases Dolores' sanity +Dolores rested
- Giving Dolores a book seemed like a good idea. But she was too tired and too sad to read anything. We hope she gets better soon.
Use Nothing:[]
- Avoiding problems is always the best solution. So we were truly surprised when Dolores went completely insane. +Dolores becomes crazy
- Times are hard and there is little we can do to keep everyone's morale up. Let's save our energy for later. +Decreases Dolores' sanity
- (If Sharikov is in the shelter) Sharikov proved today that cats can be man's best friend after all. When Dolores was staring at the wall absentmindedly, the cat tried to cheer her up by taking a nap on her lap. Dolores complains that Sharikov left its hair everywhere, but there's no denying that she seems happier than before. +Increases Dolores' sanity
Dolores' Wound:[]
([Sometimes] If Dolores was sent on an expedition without Medkit):
1. After Dolores returned from that last expedition, she was complaining of a minor foot injury. It might have been her right foot. Or maybe her left foot. One of them, anyway. It seemed irrelevant at the time, but now both of her feet are swollen! We need to do something about it.
2. When Dolores came back from that expedition the other day, she had a tiny scratch on her leg. It didn't seem serious at the time, but right now it's quite a terrible sight. If we don't do anything about it, losing one leg will be a minor inconvenience in comparison to what might happen next.
Use Axe:[]
- If there was one thing we could never consider, it would be cutting off any part of Dolores with an axe. Not only would she object to this, she would probably take matters - and the axe - into her own hands. It was in our best interests to avoid such a situation. We did used the heated axe blade to clean her wounds, and the infection seems to be fading away. The operation wasn't pretty though and damaged our axe. -Axe +Cure Dolores' sickness
- (Sometimes) Ouch! The axe slipped just a bit, but that must've hurt... +Dolores gets hurt
Use Medkit:[]
- There is nothing a few pills won't solve. Keeping a well stocked first aid kit should be a number one priority. Dolores is better now and let's hope it it stays that way. -Medkit +Cure Dolores' sickness
Use Nothing:[]
- We didn't do anything about the infected wounds. After all, our ancestors could survive without all that fancy medicine, why should we listen to the doctors? Dolores is looking more sickly, though... +Dolores can gets sick
(The Items To Choose Are Random In This Event)
(If Mary Jane and Timmy are in the shelter):
The children are unruly today. They're whispering to each other and pointing at some of our supplies. Seems they need a few objects for a game they're playing. What can they be trusted with?
- Mary Jane hid some supplies around the shelter, and gave Timmy hints on how to find them. The game went on for so long even Mary Jane forgot where she put half of the stuff, and everyone had to join the hunt. Pretty entertaining, although some items might have been lost for good. -RANDOM(Choosen) +Increases everyone's sanity
Use Nothing:[]
- ???
Every Bullet Counts:[]
1. The wasteland is full of surprises. Like this man on the other side of our door, knocking and claiming that he is willing to offer a lot for decent ammunition... Shall we trade?
2. We were about to finish our dinner, if you can call it that, when we heard someone knocking on the door. It seems to be a trader, who is very interested in ammunition. How about that?
Use Checkers:[]
- We offered checkers, instead of ammunition. The visitor was quite confused and tried to explain to us what ammunition is. We pretended to understand nothing. It was very amusing, until he left with our checkers board! Asshole! -Checkers
Use Ammunition:[]
- Our visitor was happy to get some ammunition. In return, he offered us rations. It wasn't much, but something is always better than nothing -Ammunition +1 Soup
- We handed the ammunition to the stranger and he offered something of true value in return - a working radio. -Ammunition +Radio
Use Nothing:[]
- That man was desperate! When we refused to hand over our ammunition, he was able to throw a smoke bomb in the hatch. Before we could see anything again, he was gone with our ammunition. Asshole! -Ammunition
- We could tell the stranger was disappointed, but that was none of our business. If ever was a time to get used to life being disappointing, the end of the world is probably it.
Expedition With Pancake ("A Woman And Her Dog" Event):[]
(If Padlock is in the shelter + If Soup was use twice consecutively on the event "???"):
Pancake has been really well behaved lately, and with this padlock... perhaps we could sneak out together for a short supply run and lock the shelter behind us?
Use Padlock:[]
- The padlock in our shelter finally came in handy. We used it to secure our "home" when leaving for an expedition! When we came back, we found sign of an attempted break-in. That padlock is too damaged to be used again, but at least our safehouse is... well, safe -Padlock +Dolores go on an expedition
- (Sometimes) ??? +Dolores gets sick
- When we came back to the shelter, we were relieved to discover that it was still locked. The padlock carries signs of an an attempted breaking-in, but whoever gave it a try didn't succeed in getting inside. Sadly, the padlock is in a sorry state and we can't really use it anymore. -Padlock +Dolores go on an expedition
- (Sometimes) ??? +Dolores gets sick
Use Nothing:[]
- Leaving the shelter up for grabs? One feeble padlock probably wouldn't stop anyone, anyway. Out of the question. This is our only refuge while waiting for rescue. We've got nowhere else to go, and we're not leaving this bunker.
Family Ties (Distant Family):[]
1. If there is one person we truly miss, it's our great uncle Terry. He used to tell brilliant stories about turtles, elephants, and wizards. It would be so reassuring one of these stories again. And yet, we don't even have a photo of him, just memories...
2. We've been wondering what happened to uncle Brian. He should've been far from where the bombs fell, but no one knows for sure, it would be great to find out. He always looked on the bright side of life, so maybe we should too, but it's not easy. Say, didn't we have a photo of him, tucked away in one of the books at home?
3. We have plenty of distant relatives, but none of them mean as much to us as auntie Ada. She lives in the country, so there is a good chance she's still configuring her cow counting machine and not worrying about nukes raining down on her henhouse. Too bad we don't have a photo of her... or do we? We put some photos into books a while ago, after the giant coffee spill incident.
Use Scout Handbook:[]
- We did! The photo we were looking for was stuck between the pages of the Scout Handbook. What a lucky coincidence! It's a bit blurry, but it's still a wonderful surprise. +Increases everyone's sanity +Add "family photo" in the shelter
- ??? +Increases everyone's sanity +Add "family photo" in the shelter
Use Nothing:[]
- And so, we are left with no photos, no news, and no happy thoughts. The world is too cruel... +Decreases everyone's sanity
Fighting The Tide:[]
1. We had planned to go to Niagara falls and see those beutiful waterfalls. We never expected to get a waterfall of our very own in our shelter. Right now, it seem that half a drozen pipes burst and all that water is pouring right into our bunker! We need to save our supplies!
2. What's that trickling sound? And why is the wall so wet? Are we about to get flooded!? We don't have life preservers! Or a boat! A boat wouldn't even fit inside this shelter! We need to do something! Save the supplies!
3. We could sworn that huge puddle of wasn't there earlier... and there goes another one... oh damn it! We're getting flooded! Let's grab some of our supplies before they started floating!
Use Map:[]
- Before any of the streams squirting from the walls could hit our map, we tore it down. It was the only thing to not get wet during our little flood. After the water level had dropped we started cleaning up. We might not finish before the apocalypse hits. -Radio -Cards
- Well, that was lucky! The shelter filled with water pretty rapidly, and we were certain we were going to drown. With our heads barely above the water, we weren't even able to open the hatch and escape! Before we could start considering the worst, the water level started to drop. We're fine, save for the mess we need to deal with. -Radio -Cards
Use Cards:[]
- We're all about survive and poker games, so it wasn't too surprising when we went after our lucky set of cards first. Not a single card got wet, but plenty of other supplies where submerged. After a while, the water level dropped, but the damaged was quite extensive. We have to deal with that. -Radio -Map
- Well, that was lucky! The shelter filled with water pretty rapidly, and we were certain we were going to drown. With our heads barely above the water, we weren't even able to open the hatch and escape! Before we could start considering the worst, the water level started to drop. We're fine, save for the mess we need to deal with. -Radio -Map
====Use Radio:====*The radio was rescued first before any of that filthy liquid got into its case. It wasn't too long before most of the water disappeard, but the damged it'd done was enough to upset us. Cleaning and fixing this mess will take us days! And what's that smell?! -Cards -Map
- Well, that was lucky! The shelter filled with water pretty rapidly, and we were certain we were going to drown. With our heads barely above the water, we weren't even able to open the hatch and escape! Before we could start considering the worst, the water level started to drop. We're fine, save for the mess we need to deal with. -Cards -Map
Use Nothing:[]
- The water got everywhere and ruined everything. Maybe not everything, but it's pretty bad. We could do with a clean-up crew. Oh wait, there are no clean-up crews in the apocalypse! It seems we'll have to deal with this mess on our own." (-1 Map, -1 Cards, -Radio) (Only appears if items were lost in event)?
- (If Map, Cards and Radio aren't in the shelter) This was one hell of a flood. No one expects to be rained on indoors, but it seems that in the post-apocalyptic world anything goes! The water is gone and there doesn't seem to be much damage, but we still need to dry the bunker and ourselves." (Only appears if none of the options were available to be saved)
Follow Pancake:[]
(If Soup was used on the event "Food For The Dog")
1. Hey it's Pancake! Our friend is back, but he seems very nervous, and keeps barking and jumping. When we opened the door, he rushed out only to come back a moment later and bark at us again! Maybe we should follow him? What gear shall we take?
2. Pancake came back today very agitated about something. He really wanted us to get out and follow him somewhere in the neighbourhood. This seems a bit risky, but maybe Pancake's on the trail of something big? What gear shall we take?
3. When we heard barking, we were all at the door in a moment's notice. This time we were right - it was Pancake! He had come back, but wasn't willing to enter. Instead, he seems very anxious to lead us somewhere. Should we grab any gear before we head out?
Use Map:[]
- A well prepared hiker always take a map. That's what we always say. Thanks to our trusty atlas we were able to take a look at the devastation of our town and get back home, or rather our shelter, just in time for dinner. Pancake tagged along for a while, but left before we got to the bunker.
- (If Scout Handbook is in the shelter) Before we got back, we were able to take a detour and get some cans locked in a car. Good thing we did some reading about car mechanics in the Scout Handook! +3 Soup
Use Rifle:[]
- The old saying goes "better safe than sorry". The rifle seems to be the right choice of gear for venturing into the unknown. We didn't expect to run into trigger happy folk who started shooting before asking questions. Gunshots were enough to send Pancake running. We got back safely, but he didn't show up. +Pancake can't be obtained anymore
- (Sometimes) "Beter safe than sorry" might not be the best choice of words if you got shot. And that's what happend. One of those thugs had a good aim. +Someone gets hurt
Use Axe:[]
- A man with an axe is a force to be reckoned with. Those two thugs we ran into while following Pancake learned this the hard way. Pancake was a real hero too. He chased them off and nearly made one of them leave their trousers behind! Not that anyone wanted them... yuck. | Who would have guessed those two would have a respectable stash of water? Forget the trousers, they left a liquid fortune behind! +4 Water
Use Nothing:[]
- We decided to sit this adventure out. We do hope Pancake will understand. He seems suspiciously clever for a dog. Is it true that radioactivity gives you super powers? +Pancake can't be obtained anymore
- Pancake wasn't too happy about us staying put. Eventually, he left and didn't come back. We'll miss Pancake, and not just because his name gives up fond memories of food other than soup. Pancakes... mmmmm."
Food For The Dog:[]
(If Flashlight was used on the event "Two Legs Good, Four Legs Better")
1. We were about to take a cautious peek outside when a furry beast jumped on us! Good thing our hearts were not battered by a fat-heavy hamburger diet, because it was our dog friend, and not a mutant lurking to chew our bones! Good boy! He seems to be hungry, shall we give him something to eat?
2. Scratching on the door could only mean one thing – our dog friend is back! We raced to open the door, not considering it might have been a mutated beast, but luck smiled at us. The furry fellow seemed really tired and hungry. Shall we feed him?
3. Barking at our doorstep could only mean one thing – our dog friend is back! Not caring for hazards of the wasteland, we rushed to open it and there he was. The poor thing seems tired and starving, should we share some of our food with him?
Use Soup:[]
- The dog was back to his former self in under an hour. We don't know what they put in that soup, but man, that stuff is good! We decided the dog needed a name, and the right name for him was Pancake. Come here Pancake, who's a good boy? Pancake stayed around for a while, but was gone next morning. We can bet he will be back. -1 Soup
Use Nothing:[]
- The last thing we are going to do is feed strays when we have barely enough to keep ourselves alive. None of us are very happy about it, but that's how it is. +Pancake can't be obtained anymore
Handymen (Bandits):[]
1. There's a man on our doorstep and he wants to be our friend! At least that's what he says. He looks harmless, although he seems to have aquired an extra pair of arms as a result of some weird mutation. He assures us we will not get sick and asks for our help – if we could provide him and his group with some supplies, they would repay us by helping us fight off the next raiding party that comes our way. Should we accept his offer?
2. We got visit [sic] today from a person with a physical mutation – he managed to grow several extra fully operational hands! He shared the story of his group with us – people with other deformities, who despite the circumstances remain friendly and struggle to gather supplies. Wherever they go, people just shoo them away in fear of getting sick. He promises that if we gift him some supplies, his group will help us get rid of bandits next time they bother us.
Use Water/Soup:[]
- Whether it was just pity or fear of bandits, we're not sure, but in the end we agreed to his terms. We will be calmer knowing that someone is looking out for us, especially someone with so many arms. -1 Water/Soup +Protect the shelter from next raider attack
- It feels good to have some friends in this cruel, empty wasteland. A few of our supplies is a small price to pay when it comes to the safety of your family. -1 Water/Soup +Protect the shelter from next raider attack
Handymen (Expedition):[]
1. We had a chance to meet the strangest person today. He looked just like a human, except with triple the amount of hands necessary. We listened to his story about a group of folks just like him, who are having a hard time scavenging supplies because of their appearance – people shoot first and ask questions later. He offered us a deal – if we share some of our supplies with them, they will help us on our next expedition and make sure we're safe.
2. At breakfast we heard a knock on our door. It was a man with a rather excessive number of arms. He had told us his group was having a hard time finding supplies. Wherever they'd go, they got shot at first sight and asked questions later. It's probably because of their appearance. The friendly mutant presented us with an offer – in exchange for some supplies, his folk would escort us on our next expedition and make sure we come back home safely.
Use Water/Soup:[]
- We were relieved when the man assured us that his "condition" is not contagious We gladly took his offer and we're actually looking forward to our next expedition! -1 Water/Soup +Guaranteed return to shelter after next expedition
- The stranger quickly became a friend then we agreed to his terms. It doesn't cost us that much and we will sleep easier knowing that we will come back safely from our next trip to the surface. -1 Water/Soup +Guaranteed return to shelter after next expedition
Use Nothing:[]
- No matter how many spare hands these people have, and how friendly they are, we simply cannot spare the supplies. We need to take care of our own. The man was disappointed, but he understood.
Happy Birthday May Jane!:[]
1. We were pretty sure Mary Jane had her birthday two weeks ago, but it turns out - it's today. Shall we get her something a young lady trapped in a tiny shelter would enjoy?
2. Mary Jane has been dropping hints that it's a special day for her today. We had to think about it hard, and after eliminating your average festivities, the anniversary of that great BBQ we had three years ago, and International Popcorn Day, we realized she was talking about her birthday! That means we need to get her a gift.
Use Cards:[]
- Mary Jane loves cards. We thought she might get herself busy with solitaire, but she started doing cards reading. Divination or not, if we don't figure out why the world has gone to hell, maybe she will. +Increases Mary Jane's sanity
Use Bug Spray:[]
- Kids these days are all about those spray deodorants. The anti-bug spray probably works the same way. Mary Jane was so excited! +Increases Mary Jane's sanity
Use Medkit:[]
- We figured a toothbrush is something a girl trapped in a bunker needs. Desperately. Mary Jane ecstatic reaction has proven us right. Next year she's getting toothpaste. +Increases Mary Jane's sanity +Cure Mary Jane's sickness
Use Nothing:[]
- Mary Jane is too old for birthdays. That's what we think +Decreases Mary Jane's sanity
Happy Birthday Timmy!:[]
1. It's difficult to keep track of time down here, but at least we remembered it's Timmy's birthday today! He's growing so fast. We should get him something ever boy want for his... which birthday is this again?
2. We tried to keep track of dates, but they just don't add up. Luckily, Timmy remembered it's his birthday today! We should get him a present. Or a cake. Or both. So it's settled, we're making a soup cake, but what about the gift?
3. This is a joyful time in a sea of grief. It's Timmy's birthday today! Just like last year, we waited until the last moment to get him a present... but this time our options are limited to whatever we can find in the shelter. What is he getting this year?
Use Checkers:[]
- When we were taking cover in the shelter, we barely had time to grab anything, so the checkers set is missing half its pieces. It seems you can still play with one half, since Timmy has been enjoying himself. +Increases Timmy's sanity
Use Scout Handbook:[]
- We don't know if Timmy is ever going to be a boy scout after the apocalypse, but the Scout Handbook is a deadly spider-killing weapon in his capable hands. He's having fun. +Increases Timmy's sanity
Use Medkit:[]
- A bottle of unlabelled pills sounded like a great idea for a gift. Timmy seemes to enjoy them. He's actually looking better now. +Increases Timmy's sanity +Can cure Timmy's sickness
Use Nothing:[]
- Time to grow up, Timmy. This ain't Kansas anymore and Santa doesn't exist. +Decreases Timmy's sanity
Home Drugs:[]
(If an "Empty First Aid Kit" is in the shelter + If Bug Spray is in the shelter):
1. We need medical supplies and what we have is a bad joke. Time to do something about it. That bug spray is just standing there, why don't we use it to make drugs? This is an amazing idea!
2. The first aid kit we have is useless. We probably won't be able to feel it up with prescription meds from a drug store, so we need to take matters into our own hands. Here's an idea - let's use this innocent looking bug spray to create life saving drugs!
3. Our first aid kit is of no use, and we need to do something about it. For some bizarre reason, we believe we can use lethal bug-spray to produce some additional medicine. Maybe it will work? We won't know until we've tried, right?
Use Bug Spray:[]
- What do you know! Combining American innovation and deadly bug spray result in just enough drugs to replenish an empty first aid kit! We'll worry about the side effect later. -Bug Spray +Medkit
- ([Sometimes] If Ted or Dolores are in the shelter) We had to test our drugs on someone, obviously the adults had to be the lab rats. For science! +Ted/Dolores gets sick
Use Nothing:[]
- To bad we didn't have that spray. Home made drugs sounds like an excellent idea!
Hook, Line And Sinker:[]
(If Suitcase is in the shelter):
There's a small, muddy pound in the park nearby. Too bad we forgot our fishing rod! Perhaps we could try to fish something out of the nasty water using the old suitcase?
Use Suitcase:[]
- The suitcase wasn't exactly waterproof. Plus, the pound water stank to high heaven and weirdly green and probably radiactive. The suitcase might have melt a little. It was worth it, though... right? +RANDOM -Suitcase
- We have to admit, we were counting on some kind of fish to enrich our tomato diet, but this will have to do instead. Too bad the suitcase got ruined in the process.+RANDOM -Suitcase
Use Nothing:[]
- ???
House Call (Dolores' Injury):[]
1. Poor Dolores is in a bad shape. Is there anything we could do for her?
2. We should really see about attending to Dolores' wounds. This is not going away on its own.
Use Medkit:[]
- She's feeling better already, but on the other hand she started talking again... +Cure Dolores' injuries
====Use Nothing:====*Poor, Poor Dolores... we are not optimistic... +Dolores gets sick
House Call (Doctors):[]
1. A group of doctors knocked on our door today, requesting some supplies that would be helpful in refilling their first aid kits. We didn't doubt they were the real deal for a second – they did have lab coats and every?thing! Shall we help them?
2. Today we've met a bunch of people dressed in what looked like Halloween doctor outfits. They claimed to be a field hospital, moving from place to place and attempting to help those hurt by the hazards of the wasteland. Their problem is, some of their supplies got eaten by something that looked like a sasquatch. They're asking us if we have any spare hydrogen peroxide.
(Add screenshot of the event)
Use Water:[]
- "A bottle of relatively clean water is the closest we will ever get to hydrogen peroxide. The guests were grateful anyway." (-1 Water) (See below)
- "We asked them for their doctor licenses, but all of them claimed they left them in another pair of trousers. We didn't dare ask if it was just the one pair. We gave them a water bottle and wished them a good journey. And better luck with trousers." (-1 Water) (See below)
Use Nothing:[]
- What is this scam? They're not even real doctors! No way we're giving these crooks anything.
- We don't think they were real doctors. But just in case they were, we got rid of them quickly, before they could start charging us for a home visit.
If the doctors were aided, another non-interactive event follows in several days:
- "When the group dressed in lab coats came over a while back asking for water, we had doubts about their identities. But no more! They came back today and gave us some injections. We don't know what it was, but we already feel so much better! And all the colours are so bright!" (All Injured and Sick family members are healed)
- "We almost forgot about this one time we shared some water with a group of people dressed in lab coats. Out of the blue, they came back today and administered us some very healthy looking shots! So they WERE real doctors after all... we think?" (All Injured and Sick family members are healed)
1. The trash can of ours is getting disgusting. The good news is, we don't have much of an appetite when we see it, so we're saving some food! Yet for some reason, we would like to tidy this mess up. Those giant green cockroaches are a pretty good motivator.
2. The trash can is becoming full of empty soup cans, and that unmentionable bucket is overflowing. Both of them are attracting strangely glowing, suspiciously big insect wildlife. Roaches weren't that big before the war, were they?
3. We never thought we'd live to see a dancing cockroach. We still haven't, but we saw one that was nearly as big as a cat. The good news is, they're probably scared off any rats in the area. The bad news is, they are huge and will probably attack us when they get a chance!
Use Bug Spray:[]
- We dodged a bullet this time. That is, if a bullet was huge, hairy had eight legs and a glowing head. Hopefully, we don't have to deal with them again. -Bug Spray
- That was close. A nest of those glowing bugs might've been more than enough to drive us out into the wasteland. Roaches are the worst, but radioactive roaches? Yikes! -Bug Spray
Use Scout Handbook:[]
- We dodged a bullet this time. That is, if a bullet was huge, hairy had eight legs and a glowing head. Hopefully, we don't have to deal with them again.
- That was close. A nest of those glowing bugs might've been more than enough to drive us out into the wasteland. Roaches are the worst, but radioactive roaches? Yikes!
Use Nothing:[]
- "Oh my... that thing is huge! And there goes another one! Roaches everywhere! We're doomed! We already feel all dirty!" (May inflict Illness upon one family member)
- (If Sharikov is in the shelter) We underestimated the value of the cat in this environment. We thought we had a cockroach infestation on our hand, but Sharikov to care of it while we were alsleep. Was it reminded of its hunting days before the bombs dropped? Was it mesmerized by the roaches' glow? Or does it have an undeniable thirst for fresh cockroach blood? We'll never know why, but were grateful that we don't have to deal with the insects ourselves any longer.
It's Out Of The Bag:[]
A sleazy-looking trader carrying an equally scruffy bag on his shoulder paid us a visit. He offered us a simple, one-time deal. for just one can of soup, we get the bag and all of its contents. We can't see what's inside and the trader gives us angry glances every time we take a step towards the mysterious bag. Should we make a deal?
(Add screenshot of the event)
Use Soup:[]
- As soon as the door closed behind the trader, the bag started to violently shake, emitting screeching, hellish sounds. Terrified, we backed up against the walls. When the beast finally escaped, it turned out to be just an angry housecat. The feline gave us a menacing look and promptly sat down in a corner to clean itself. Its collar says "Sharikov"... its that its name? -1 Soup +Sharikov comes in the shelter +Increases everyone's sanity to the maximum
- (If Pancake is in the shelter) ??? +Pancake leaves the shelter
Use Nothing:[]
- Our grandparents always told us not to buy anything sight unseen and we're not about to start now. Gone are the times of yard sales. We can manage without whatever junk is in that mysterious bag.
Jenny The Mutant:[]
(If Ted was sent on an expedition):
Ted used to get along with most of the neighbors before the apocalypse, but especially with the lovely Jenny McMillan from around the corner. He neglected to mention he had met her during his voyage outside, and even promised to share some supplies with her! Dolores seems displeased by this. Should Ted share the supplies with Jenny?
Use Soup:[]
- Dolores was livid, and insisted she go with Ted to give Jenny the supplies. Turns out poor Jenny 's husband perished when he left the shelter to grab his stamp collection, and was never seen again. Jenny's misfortune brought Dolores some peace, while our supplies guaranteed Jenny's children would have something to eat tonight. -1 Soup +Increases everyone's sanity
- Dolores protested, but Ted sneaked out during the night. Turns out Dolores was right - not only have we lost some precious supplies, Ted also got his butt handed to him by a local teenage bandit gang. Dolores isn't even mad anymore. She found it amusing. -1 Soup +Ted gets hurt
Use Nothing:[]
- We don't have anything to spare. Stuff it, Jenny! That's for refusing to water our lawn that one time we went for a weekend out of town. Dolores seems satisfied, and Ted knows better than to keep bothering her. +Increases Dolores' sanity +Decreases Ted's sanity
- Jenny came over by herslef and banged on the shelter door. Even Dolores could not stay indifferent when she saw how the radioactive fallout had changed our neighbor. We ended up sharing some supplies. Jenny was grateful, but she overstayed her welcome by making offhanded comments about our interior decoration skills. That was rich, coming from a person with an additional leg growing out of her head! -1 Soup
Law Abiding Citizens:[]
(If the Radio is in the shelter + If the even "Cards Tricks/Let The Army A Message/Signaled The Army" has been done before):
1. We couldn't get a clear signal from the radio until midday, but after we tuned in a military in on a military broadcast, we were left speechless. Not only did they not deliver on the evacuation promise, they also ordered us to dispose of all our firearms before the military arrives to save us. Who asks such things of an American, who?!
2. Another radio broadcast from the military was a huge shock for us. Not only did they postpone our rescue, they also ordered all survivors to get rid of their firearms. Are they nut?! How are we supposed to defend ourselves?! It'd better be worth it...
3. We were afraid the army wouldn't get back to us, but they eventually did. The next transmission was full of evacuation promises, but it ended on a big "IF". The speaker requested that any survivor groups armed with firearms should dispose of them before they get rescued. We don't know what this is about, but it sound like violating our rights. On the other hand, are there any laws and rights left, or is it everyone for themselves?
Use Rifle:[]
- We decided to follow military orders and got rid of our rifle. We did so with a heavy heart, but if that's the price of getting to safety, we pay it glady. That doesn't mean we'll never get another one, though... -Rifle +Military ending continues
Use Nothing:[]
- (With Rifle in the shelter) We decided to ignore those stupid orders. Who are they to tell us what to do? The US government?! Well, they probably are, but that doesn't mean they can take our gun. Over our dead bodies!
- (Without Rifle in the shelter) Since we didn't have a gun to begin with, soldiers shouldn't have any issues with us. +Military ending continues
Let The Army A Message:[]
1. We were able to receive another message from the government. The military is preparing a rescue mission. They want all surviors to head to a specific location in the area, then leave a sign that someone is still alive and kicking nearby. The problem is, they've provided us with geographical coordinates, but we need a map to find out where we're supposed to be headed. Otherwise it's just complete gobbledigook.
2. Today the music from our radio stopped abruptly, and instead we got to listent a transmission from the army! We wer almost halfway to the door when they started talking about evacuation, but it turns out there is something we need to do first. All survivors were asked to leave a sign that we're still alive somewhere in the area. The exact location was given in geographical coordinates. We need a map to establish where that is.
3. Today, an army broadcast interrupted our... let's call it a breakfast. Anyway, they seemed very eager to evacued us away from here, but then went over several things that needed to happen they'd do it. The first item on the list is up to us. We were given geographical coordinates and need to get to there to leave a sign we're still alive. This should be easy with a map.
Use Map:[]
- A quick glance at the map gave us all the information we required. We left them a message in a bottle. +Military ending continues
==== Use Nothing: ====*We were sure we could found the location without a map. We were wrong. Hopefully, we'll get lucky next time.
Like A Rolling Stone:[]
A young singer approached our shelter this morning. Emcumbered by two differents guitars, a big backpack and a weird contraption holding up an harmonica in front of his face, he asked for some supplies in exchange of a folk song or two. Do we want to share?
Use Water/Soup:[]
- His song brought tears to our eyes. With good, talented Americans like that, hopefully the times are a-changin' for a better soon. The sound of his guitar kept blowing in the wind towards us as he was walking away. Our love for his music moved him so much, he even gifted us with a working radio. -1 Water +Radio +Increases everyone's sanity
Use Nothing:[]
- When he learned we wouldn't share with him, he got really angry. First he tried to torture us with sounds from an unplugged electric guitar. When that didn't work, he tossed some instrument at us and walked away. We tried to put it back together, but it was broken to pieces. How could you, mister? It was a tambourine, man!
Little Shelter Of Horrors:[]
([Sometimes] If "Yes" was said on "You Reap What You Sow" event):
1. It's not every day you wake up to a carnivorous plant trying to eat you. This is how our day started. Curse Mary Jane's plant and any gardening ambitions we had! Who would've guessed the seed would grow into a bloodthirsty daemon?! We need to get rid of it!
2. A tickling sensation woke us up. The roars got us out of bed. Turns out Mary Jane's plant is some sort of plant monster! And it's out for blood, brains and whatever it chews on! We need to do something!!!
3. Tentacles! Tentacles everywhere! Is that a monster from Mars!? Wait... they're not tentacles! It's the damn plant Mary Jane is growing! It has mutated and is out of control! Are those TEETH? They're huge!!! We need to do something!
Use Bug Spray:[]
- Bug spray offense is the best defense! Die you plant-mutant, die! Shhh! That was pretty terrifying. We should probably stick to soup cans instead of growing anything. The climate is definitely not suitable for any serious gardening -Bug Spray
Use Axe:[]
- Die you plant-thing, die! is this sharp enough for you?! Chop! Chop! Phew, that was a close one. Without this axe we would've been plant food... or would that make us fertilizer? Well the joke is on that damn plant, since we ended up harvesting some of it for food. -Axe +2 Soup
Use Nothing:[]
- There was nothing we could use to fight that damned plant! We're lucky it didn't eat us alive, but it did steal some of our food! In what reality does a plant eat a tomato soup can?! Is that even a world worth living in?! -2 Soup
- (Without Soup) It didn't eat us, but Ted got bitten! Or maybe he knocked his head on the wall. One way or the other, we'll need a plenty of bandages to sort this out. +Someone gets hurt
Lost And Found:[]
1. Our ammunition is missing. There's no way it was stolen, so it has to be here, somewhere. We need to find it! -Ammo
2. We had some spare of ammunition, but now it's gone. We don't know how or when. It must've been misplaced. We need to find it, and soon - Ammo
Use Flashlight:[]
- Found it! The ammunition clip was covered by a can. Too bad it was empty, but at least we have our bullet back. +Ammo
- (Sometimes) While looking through some papers scattered under one of the old crates, we came across a map. It looks useful. +Map
- (Sometimes) The first thing we found was a forgotten deck of cards. Dolores used it for solitaire back in the day, until the kids lost a few cards. We can now play semi-solitaire! +Cards
Use Nothing:[]
- It was too dark to find those tiny bullets without a flashlight. They aren't lose, technically they're still in the shelter. Technically.
Loud Snoring:[]
Timmy claimed he couldn't sleep last night due to Ted's loud, incessant snoring. Ted angrily retaliated by making quips about the size of Timmy's ears, which enraged Timmy even more. He's desperate for a solution. What can be done about this?
Use Medkit:[]
- Wild-eyed, Timmy grabbed a bunch of bandages from the first aid to stuff his ears with.
- The thin layer of gauze was no match for Ted's snoring. Frenzied, Timmy tossed all the contents of the first aid kit on the floor in a mad hunt for sleeping pills. These finally did the trick. Timmy feels better now, but our first aid kit is a mess. -Medkit +Timmy rested
- He claimed the gauze stopped most of the noise. Enough to get some un-disturbing sleep, at least. Timmy is feeling better this morning +Timmy rested
Use Checkerboard:[]
- Timmy eventually settled for jamming checker pieces into his ears. Not what the doctor would order, but it did the trick. He slept well, although one of the pieces is missing this morning. Is it still stuck in his ear? And more importantly, cen we still play checkers without it? -Checkerboard(Sometimes) +Timmy rested
Use Suitcase:[]
- Little Timmy squeezed almost perfectly into our small suitcase, where he dozen off. Whatever noises Ted might have been making, the sturdy suitcase proved almost sound proof, and Timmy finally got a good night's sleep. +Timmy rested +Increases Timmy's sanity
- (Sometimes) Despite sleeping relatively well, Timmy is a bit sore. Might have something to do with the suicase's content that Timmy slept on. Could have at least emptied it first. +RANDOM
Use Nothing:[]
- Timmy woke up surprisingly well-rested today. Turns out, all he had to do was roll Ted on his side, and the snoring ceased. Timmy is feeling noticeably better, and Ted promise to sleep on his side in the future. +Timmy rested
- Timmy was even more miserable this morning, after another sleepless night due to Ted's snoring. The bags under his eyes speak for themselves. Ted is unwilling to comment, and he still won't even admit he snores. +Decreases Timmy's sanity
- (If Gas Mask is in the shelter) In a drastic turn of events, Timmy tied to put the gas mask on Ted's sleeping face to stop the relentless snoring.
- Somehow, it helped. Ted stopped snoring long enough for Timmy to finally doze off and get some rest. +Timmy rested
- Ted awoke with a scream, tore the mask off his face, and threw it against the wall. He accused Timmy of trying to assassinate him. They fought all night, and neither of them got much sleep. -Gas Mask +Decreases Ted and Timmy's sanity +Ted gets tired
Made Contact With The Military:[]
1. If there's anyone who can rescue us from this hellish situation, it's our government. You can badmouth them all you want, but that probably means you're either a naysayer, or a commie. We're good citizens, we've been paying our taxes regulary, so we're sure Uncle Sam is coming to get us. Well, except that one time when we... nevermind! The government people are coming, and we should keep our ears and eyes open for any sign from them.
2. As long as we have food and water we can stay locked in, but we 'll have to leave eventually. It would be good to head straight to safety, instead of getting ourselves into more trouble, if that's even possible in this situation... Our hopes is that our brave soliders will come to rescue us and take us to some well-hidden, well- stocked government shelter. Timmy had comics about those, so you know they must exist! All we need is to do is to make contact with the military."
3. We can keep sitting on our back-sides here in this tiny little bunker, or we can strat thinking about getting away as far as possible from this radioactive wasteland. Who would've thought the Reds would ruin such a lovely neighbourhood... We could do it on our own... the escaping part, not the ruining part, of course! However, there might be someone out there who can help us. Let's keep our eyes and ears open.
Use Radio:[]
- We made contact! The military is out there and they're coming for us! All we need to do now is wait patiently. The soldier with the boring voice was very specific about this. Help is on the way! We just need to wait for further instructions and keep our radio in working order. +Military ending begins
- Good news! The government made a radio broadcast about extracting survivors from our area! The announcer aked everyone listening to wait a while longer and expect further communication in a few days. We'll be out of here soon! +Military ending begins
- We knew it! The government has not fallen, and they're coming to save us! They didn't give the exact dates in their radio transmission, but we're sure they won't keep us waiting long. They said they will be in touch in a couple of days, and told us to await the futher instructions. +Military ending begins
====Use Nothing:====*If there is one thing we need to do it's to use a radio on regular basis to catch any emergency broadcast that might be transmitted in our area. It's either that, or it's strolling around outside waiting to get picked up. The first option sounds a bit more sane.
Man In Blue:[]
You would expect the post-apocalypse to be a time of peace and quiet, since... you know... most of people aren't around anymore. Yet, here we have someone at the door! When we opened it up, we encountered a strange looking man in a blue jumpsuit who asked us to trade him a "water chip". A water chip? What in the hell is that?
Use Water:[]
- We explained politely that we didn't have a water chip, but we are happy to share some water with him. The man was visibly disappointed, but thanked us for the water and even left us his gas mask. Odd. +Gas Mask -Water
- The visitor wasn't very happy that we didn't have a water chip, or that we didn't know what that was. He did help himself the water we offered him and explained the chip is of utmost importance. Before we learned anything more he left for the wasteland. -Water
Use Nothing:[]
- We were sorry to explain we didn't know what a water chip was and that we didn't have one. He thanked us in a few short words and left.
Mary Jane's Wound:[]
([Sometimes] If Mary Jane was sent on an expedition without Medkit):
1. Remember that time Mary Jane went out to scavenge supplies? When she got back, she had a wound on her forearm. Nothing serious, she claimed, but it looked like something had bitten her. Now that injury is looking much worse. We fear it may be infected. We have to clean it up.
2. Mary Jane was injured on her last expedition, she didn't mention it to us, and we didn't noticed. It wasn't a problem until just now. It seems her injury got infected and she's in bad shape. We must help her.
Use Axe:[]
- Mary Jane got the wrong idea when we brandished the axe, she tried to limp out of the bunker, fortunatelly she was too slow, and we were able to explained her our intentions before she ran off. Heating the axe's blade allowed us to clean the wound and stop it from festering. Now it's up to her immune system to fight off the infection. We had to break our axe to do it, but she's looking better today, so we are hopeful it was worth it. -Axe
- (Sometimes) Ouch! The axe slipped just a bit, but that must've hurt... +Mary Jane gets hurt
Use Medkit:[]
- A length of bandage, some pills, a little of this and that, and we were able to patch Mary Jane in no time! We used most of our medkit in the process, but the important thing is, she's going to get better. -Medkit
Use Nothing:[]
- Mary Jane will be fine. It's not the first time and it won't be the last time she's get sick. She is looking a bit pale today, though... +Mary Jane can get sick
Medic! We Need A Medic!:[]
1. Those wound hurt like the hell and they're not getting any better. It's high time to fixe them up or Ted might get worse. Infection is no joke!
2. When are we planning to do anything about those injuries? They aren't getting better and they may get much worse quite soon. What happens to Ted then?
Use Medkit:[]
- There's nothing better than some bandages and a healthy dose of aspirin. Maybe just one more... +Cure Ted's injuries
Use Nothing:[]
- Too bad. If we don't fix these wounds up soon, things might get much worse. +Ted gets sick
Night Terrors:[]
(If Ted and Mary Jane are in the shelter):
Last night the whole shelter was woken up by Ted screaming bloody murder. He was terrified, shouting something about tentacled, radioactive mutants on top of his face. Turned out it was just Mary Jane stepping on his head in the dark. Ted took it very personallt and demands medical care.
Use Medkit:[]
- Mary Jane helped Ted patch up his injuries. They both look pretty content right now. All's well that ends well, and Ted's face has almost gone back to its usual shape and state by now. +Increases Ted and Mary Jane's sanity
- Ted wouldn't allow anyon to pach him up, and spent some time rummaging through our first aid kit for something fitting to dress his self-diagnosed "lethal" injuries. In the end, he took a bunch of pills, covered hiself with a few yards of bandage, and fell asleep. -Medkit +Decreases Ted's sanity
Use Nothing[]
- Ted and Mary Jane refused to apologize and move on, and instead went straight into a state of paranoia. He seemed to think Mary Jane had it out for him, while Mary Jane claimed it was Ted's face that hit her foot and not the other way around. Looks like both of them will sleep with one eye open tonight. +Decreases Ted and Mary Jane's sanity
- Mary Jane tried to apologized, but Ted wasn't having it. He kept lamenting about broken noses and cracked skulls, stumbling around the shelter and gesturing wildly, until he tripped over something and fell. Oh, hey, a soup can! That discovery calmed Ted right now. +Soup +Ted can gets hurt
No Questions Axed:[]
(If the event "Signalled The Army/Let The Army A Message/Cards Trick" has been done before):
1. We received another army transmission this morning! We wish it would mark the end of our stay in the shelter, but it seems the military has other plans. All survivors in the area were asked to head to the nearby park and chop down as many trees as possible, to aid the "evacuation effort", whatever that means. We may as well join in and speed this whole affair up.
2. The army isn't coming. Not yet, anyway. That's today radio news. Instead they have been broadcasting a request for all citizens to assist them by cutting down trees in the nearby park. We don't know if some fancy general needs it for his fireplace or what,but they suggested it's either that, or no evacuation. The choice is pretty obvious for us.
3. The military is communicating through the radio again. We're sure it was a signal to evacuate out of here, but it turns out they need our help. The speaker requested that all able citizens in the area should chop down a tree or two in the nearby park. It sounds ridiculous, but they're claiming this will make it easier for them to extract us. We never even liked that park, so let's do this already.
Use Axe:[]
- We chopped down as many trees as we could. It wasn't much, but hopefully it will make the difference they wanted. The next time they get in touch, it'd better be from a tank parked on our lawn, or what's left of it. Our only regret is that this wood chopping business ruined our axe. -Axe +Military ending continues
Use Nothing:[]
- We're not lumberjacks! And we're not chopping down that park! Maybe another time.
Nuclear Fallout Has Gone:
1. It's been a while, we don't know much about what's happening on the surface. If we only had a chance to tune in to some emergency radio broadcast and learn a thing or two...
2. It's high time to stopped wondering about what's going on and started asking questions, or at leats listen some reasonable answers. So how about tuning to a radio station and learning a thing or two about the brave new world?
3. We know very little about what's going on outside. It'd be a good idea to find out more. Maybe discover if anyone else made it to safety. A radio could help with this.
Use Radio:[]
- We were able to get a weak signal and tap into government's emergency announcement service. And guess what... great news! The fallout outside outside has mostly gone! It should be much safer to travel on the surface now. +Change outside conditions
Use Nothing:[]
- They say ignorance is bliss. Another day without any clue what's going on might not necessarily kill us. +Change outside conditionsPaging Doctor Ted:
1. The friendly group of survivors we met not long ago popped in today with a request. The group is planning to build a small settlement for themselves, but a lot of them were injured during a recent fight against the bandits. They need everybody up and running in order to work quickly and efficiently. They're asking for some medical supplies they could use to tend to their injured.
2. The twins kept their promise and came to visit us again. The issue is simple – they need meds, badly. They started building their own camp, but some of the workers were ambushed by a bunch of raiders and now they're in no shape to work. They need medication and bandages to take care of their people.
Use Medkit:[]
- They were really grateful for our help! We're sure they will put that first aid kit to a good use. It's nice to be able to help the other from time to time. Maybe they let us visit their camp when it's finished? Maybe they will even throw a housewarming party? That would be delightful, we haven't attended one of these in way too long! -Medkit +Twins ending continues
- We really want to see the camp finished, we shared our meds without a second thought. We need to help each other, unite ourselves against the bandits! Together we are stronger. The group thanked us and promised they would invite us once the place is up and running. How wonderful! -Medkit +Twins ending continues
Use Nothing:[]
- What's in it for us? A first aid kit is a real treasure these days and a rarity to find. We can't just give our most valuable supplies away... even if it's for our friends.
- Unfortunately, we were powerless. We did not have the medicine they need, but we sure hope they find it somewhere else.
- Sadly, there was nothing we could offer them, as we are short on meds and bandages ourselves. They promised to come back after scouting around some more.
Pancake Stay!:[]
(If the event "Follow Pancake" has been done before):
1. It is horrible to see a friend in pain, but when we saw Pancake whimpering at our doorstep, it was too much. Some bastard's shot him, and he lost a lot of blood. Our only hope is to patch him up and hope for the best. Grab a medkit!
2. No, no, no! Pancake crawled back to us, but he's severely injured! The poor thing has been shot by some monster. We need to help him fast!
3. Oh no! Pancake came back, but he's badly wounded! Some bastard was trying to catch him or worse. We need to act fast and save him. Get the first aid kit!
Use Medkit:[]
- It took a while, but we were able to patch Pancake up. We're not letting him go this time. Do you know what love is? We sure know. Loving your dog. -Medkit +Pancake stay in the shelter +Increases everyone's sanity to the maximum
Use Nothing:[]
- We didn't think anything could be worse than a nuclear bomb dropping on our heads. We were wrong. We buried Pancake next to the shelter, in a nice place right under what used to be our white fence. We had a thought about eating him, but there are some lines you do not cross. Even in the most dire circumstances, you do not eat your friends. Even if they're Pancakes. +Pancake cant be obtained anymore
Pancake's Meal:[]
(If Pancake is in the shelter)
1. Hey Pancake, who's a good boy? Wait a minute... is he hungry? He sure is! How about we share one of those tasty tomato sou cans with him?
2. Pancake is a great companion! But for some bizarre reason, he has been hanging a lot around our soup cans. Maybe he wants a taste?
Use Soup:[]
- Well now, don't eat the can Pancake! Easy boy! Hopefully that tomato soup will keep him happy for a while. -1 Soup
Use Nothing:[]
- (1st time) We really loved having that dog around. We really did. But without soup his behavior got... well, odd. He stared at us with those hungry, hungry eyes and we can't stop thinking of what or whom he might decided to eat...
- (2nd time, If Harmonica is in the shelter) Since we choose selfishly not to share our supplies, Pancake had to make do with whatever he could find and this time it meant devouring our harmonica. Farewell, lovely blues tunes on quiet, radioactive evenings. Hello dog who makes wheezing folks sounds whenever he barks. Great. -Harmonica
- (3rd time / 2nd time, If Harmonica isn't in the shelter) Soup or Pancake, Pancake or soup. Decision like that are never easy, but you got to do, what you got to do. The dog did not appreciate our debate. He run off in search of soup and never came back. Has he found some in the wasteland? We shall never know. (Pancake leaves the shelter)
Party Hard:[]
(If Dolores leaves temporarily the shelter):
Dolores is temporarily out of the shelter. We can finally talk out loud without someone shushing us every five minutes. Our shelter isn't a library! Tonight our shelter shall be... a concert hall!
Use Harmonica/Radio:[]
- Lively dancing, off-key singing and music so loud it temporarlily drowns out the quiet hum of existential dread in our heads. Just what we needed to start another day with new energy! -Harmonica/Radio +Increases everyone's sanity
Use Nothing:[]
- ??? +Decreases everyone's sanity
Payback Time:[]
1. This bandits camp nearby is causing a lot of trouble. Not only they are armed, dangerous, cruel and bloodthirsty, they're also loud and obnoxious! We respect their right to party, but not at the cost of our beauty sleep. Something needs to be done.
2. The raiders camp on our street has been especially maddening lately, they're acting like real savages. We won't stand for that, somebody should show them that the innocent survivors of the wasteland aren't just miserable victims, and that someone should be us!
3. We know there's a group of bandits camped near our shelter but we're not exactly powerless. With a bit of luck and force, maybe we can show them that we're not to be trifled with? We can't murder them all... but it's worth a try, isnt it?
Use Rifle/Axe:[]
- ??? -Rifle/Axe
- We performed a very tactical maneuver and sneaked towards the camp in broad daylight without any cover. It soon turned out that no such a maneuver was needed - when we arrived, the bandits were fighting a group of giant, mutated spiders and nobody was guarding the supplies. We picked whatever we could and hurried back to the shelter before the raiders noticed anything. We were so brave! -Rifle/Axe +RANDOM
- We bravely stormed into the camp screaming insults and threats at the top of our lungs. Sadly there was no one there to appreciate our courage, it looks like the bandits went raiding and left the camp empty thinking no one would dare to get close to it anyway. But not us! We fearlessy collected whatever we could from their supplies and courageously run back to the shelter. We think that's the ultimate proof that we're not in danger - we are the danger! Fear us!-Rifle/Axe +RANDOM
- (If Ted has been captured) In the corner of the camp the bandits held their prisoners and were thrilled to discover that one of them was Ted! We rescued him from his chain and brought him to the shelter. We're so happy he's back here with us! -Rifle/Axe +Ted return in the shelter
- (If Dolores has been captured) ??? -Rifle/Axe +Dolores return in the shelter
- (If Mary Jane has been captured) We were surprised to find a tent in which bandits kept their prisoners. Between them was Mary Jane! We quickly untied her and brought her back to the shelter with us. She looks a bit ragged, but she's fine! -Rifle/Axe +Mary Jane return in the shelter
- (If Timmy has been captured) While sneaking around the camp we noticed a few cages in which the bandits held people captive. One of the prisoners was Timmy! We managed to set him free and bring him back to the shelter. What an happy day! -Rifle/Axe +Timmy return in the shelter
Use Nothing:[]
- Somebody should really sort these bandits out! Give them a run for their money! We're one hundred percent behind that idea. We're also one hundred percent not going outside and risking our lives. Surely somebody else can take care of the raiders, right?
- Going out there and provoking these brutes is the last thing we want to do. We simply don't stand a chance against them. It's harsh, but that's the truth - compared to them, we're innocent, delicate flowers.
Plumbing Action:[]
1. Whoever designed this fallout shelter was a genius, but we can't really tell if that green stuff dipping from the pipe is an inclued feature. We should probably try doing something about it with whatever we brought down here.
2. Where did that green puddle come from? Oh dear, a pipe is leaking green goo! That's not good. That's not good at all. We need to act now and no one packed a mop! What do we do?!
Use Suitcase:[]
- We grab our old suitcase and shoved it under the pipe. Seems that all the liquid that was stopped to leak out, did so during the night. On the bright side, we don't have to worry about the smell making us sick anymore. The downside? Our suitcase is completely ruined. -Suitcase
Use Gas Mask:[]
- Ha, problem solved! No leak, no mess! Back to our tidy little shelter.
Use Scout Handbook:[]
- Ha, problem solved! No leak, no mess! Back to our tidy, little shelter.
Use Nothing:[]
- We couldn't figure out so we just assumed that's what a regular pipe would do in the event of a nuclear apocalypse and we decided to ignore it. We've been feeling a bit funny today, though. Probably no connection to the pipe. None whatsoever. +The characters who were sick recently get sick
- (Sometimes) WHAT THE HELL!? Mary Jane went to bed her normal self, and now she's all... mutated! Oh, Mary Jane, what happend to you?! +Mary Jane mutated
Please Respond:[]
(If the Scout Handbook was used the event "The Signal") Timmy prepared a short message to be transmitted tonight. There are a few options on how it could be done, so let's try to pick the best one. Or just back out completely - it's not too late to give up on this idea.
Use Radio/Harmonica/Flashlight:[]
- Timmy went outside and climbed the highest point he could find, which in our situation turned out to be a fallen over truck with two more cars stacked on the top of it. Probably not the safest place to be, but he managed to transmit the message successfully and return safely. Now... we wait.
Use Nothing:[]
- We decided against this plan at the last moment. If we transmit this signal, we will reveal our position to every one around us. Scouts aren't the only ones around the wasteland with their ears and eyes open...
(If Someone was sent on the event "Recon"):
1. (1st time) Clearly, we're trustworthy after our last successful mission, as the agents came back with another request. We are to generously provide either a couple soup cans or some water bottles for an agent in the field. They'll take care of the delivery. In return, we'll be given an encouraging pat on the back and the promise of a better future in a safe, government shelter.
2. (2nd time) The agents visited us in the middle of the night to remind us about their request to provide a few soup cans or a few water bottles for their colleague in the field- If we do help them, we might get one step closer to a cozy government shelter!
3. (3rd time) ???
Use 4 Soup/Water:[]
- We graciously agreed to fulfill their request. They thanked us for doing our civic duty and promised to be back with more information soon. -4 Soup/Water +VIP Paradise ending continues
Use Nothing:[]
- (1st time) We're not giving them anything... At least, not this time.
- (2nd time) ???
- (3rd time) ??? +VIP Paradise ending isn't possible anymore
Racoon City:[]
(If the Scout Handbook is in the shelter + If the Suitcase is in the shelter):
Some nasty, mutated racoon-like animal shows up around the shelter door almost every night. We tried to sneak up on it, but it jumps away and hides as soon as we open the door. Thankfully we took the Scoutbook with us - there are instructions inside on how to make a basic trap using a box and some string. We don't have any empty box laying around, but we do have a suitcase, which should work just as well!
Use Suitcase:[]
- As soon as we heard the suitcase snap shut, we jumped outside to see what we caught. Well... the animal managed to escape, but it did leave a fully can of soup behind! +1 Soup
- We rechecked the trap in the morning. The racoon scratched and bit a big hole through our leather suitcase and escaped! Weirdly enough, we found some supplies in the broken suitcase. Was this the animal's doing or did we simply forget we put this here? +1 Soup
Use Nothing:[]
- To be perfectly honest, we don't want to mess with any mutated racoons. We also don't want to risk our precious suitcase.
Radio Sessions:[]
(If Radio is in the shelter):
1. The more we know about what's going on the outside, the better for us. Let's gather around the radio and see if we can tune in to a station.
2. We have a working radio. Why not use it? Maybe we'll be able to catch a broadcast or two.
3. What was that? Did the radio static just stop for a moment? Let's try tuning in on that signal!
4. Time to listen to some radio chatter. Maybe we will pick up on some useful shred of information on how to get out of this mess.
5. The more we know about what's going on outside, the better for us. Let's gather around the radio and see if we can tune in to a station.
Use Radio:[]
- Some friendly soul on the radio was talking about a supply pack she'd lost during a trip through our town. We immediately realised she must've driven through our street! We rushed out and got to the package before anyone else. +2 Water +1 Soup +Ammo(Sometimes) +Boy Scout Handbook(Sometimes) +Medkit(Sometimes)
- Once had we waded through all the static, we found a transmission that was hosting by some nut talking about conspiracies and saucer men from Mars abducting people. It was pretty amusing. +Increases everyone's sanity
- We were able to tune in and get rid of just enough static to listen to a very energetic and lively speaker. He seemed well informed and mentioned a few helpful tips that should make it easier for us to survive the next expedition! +Increases the chances of coming back from an expedition
- (If a "Damaged Rifle" is in the shelter) We were able to tune in to some survivalist lady, who was hosting a "Let's use" program. She was evaluating a rifle she obtained just before the bombs fell. It turned out it was similar to ours, and with her tips we were able to repair it! +Rifle
- Nothing, nothing and nothing. We could hear nothing but the annoying static. Better luck next time. +Decreases everyone's sanity
- Oh damn it! Something blew up inside the radio and the wretched thing caught fire. We were able to put it out, but it doesn't work anymore. -Radio
Use Nothing:[]
- Let's not play with the radio. We might break it. What happens if it's not working when we need it the most? +Decreases everyone's sanity
- Let's not even bother with that radio. It's not like we're going to learn anything useful. +Decreases everyone's sanity
- Maybe another time. It's not the right moment to be listening to the radio. +Decreases everyone's sanity
Rationing Ain't Working:[]
(If there is only 1 Soup in the shelter):
1. We've been arguing and arguing with Dolores. The fact that we're down to our last bite of food didn't help. And now we're almost at each other's throats about how to ration the damned soup. Should we share an entire can right now? The alternative is to reason with her into saving it for later.
2. We've been fighting with Dolores over the last can of soup. She insists we should eat the entire thing right now! Eating all our food at once? Madness! It's better to save it for later, or shall we share it now?
3. Who would've guessed the last can of soup would be a source of grief, and not joy. The idea was to ration it carefully, but Dolores insists on serving the whole thing right now. Should we do it?
Use Soup:[]
- Dolores was right. We should share the soup and so we did. She seemed happy. We didn't have the heart to tell her the soup expired two years ago. -Soup +Feed everyone +Increases Dolores' sanity
Use Nothing:[]
- Negatiations took all night, but we got to a peaceful resolution in the end. Dolores agreed to stash the soup can for later.
Reading competition:[]
(If Dolores and Timmy are in the shelter + If Scout Hanbook is in the shelter):
- "Dolores and Timmy both love to read. They are also both craving some fun and challenge that doesn't include radioactive agony or being eaten by a mutant racoon. They decided to hold a competition on who can read the Scoutbook faster. Insane. Should we let them?"
Use Scout Handbook:[]
- Oh dear, they basically thore the book apart... and it's impossible to say who won. Both Dolores and Timmy seem really content, though. Maybe one book is a small price to pay for their temporary happiness. -Scout Hanbook +Increases Dolores and Timmy's sanity
Use Nothing:[]
- Like mother, like son. You can truly see the resemblance when they're angry - both Dolores and Timmy make the same frowny face. It's unfortunate the face expression they're both wearing is so hilarious, the rest of us can't stop laughing... which only make them frown ever more. Let's hope we get out of this loop by tomorrow. +Decreases Dolores and Timmy's sanity
Repair Flashlight[]
- Prerequisite: Damaged flashlight
- Repeating event
Journal entries:
- "This is it. We've officialy [sic] gone too long without a flashlight. If we don't fix it and play shadow bunnies soon, someone may snap, and we don't want that. Trust us, we really don't!"
- "We're surprised our generator is still running, we're at least getting some light in here, but going out without a flashlight is suicidal. We should try fixing it."
- "So... the thing about the flashlight, is that it's really useful. If we don't have it, it's like living in Medieval times! We don't have a sword, so fixing our flashlight should be a high priority for us."
Choose Boy Scout Handbook:
- "Excellent, the flashlight works like a charm! We can actually see where we are going!" (+1 Flashlight)
- Possible event: "Ouch! The darn flashlight just blew up! Is anyone hurt?" (Inflicts Injury upon one family member, most likely Ted)
- "We only ended up breaking it more. Apparently you can do that to a flashlight. We can always buy a new one. Oh wait, we can't. Damn." (Event is locked until a new Flashlight is found)
Choose nothing: "It's not worth even touching it if we don't know what we're doing."
Repair Gas mask[]
- Prerequisite: Damaged gas mask
- Repeating event
Journal entries:
- "That gas mask of ours is in no shape to wear outside. Unless it's Halloween. It'd be a good idea to fix it. Not to worry, it would still make a great Halloween mask!"
- "Damn it, that gas mask of ours is worthless. Wearing it probably increases the chance of inhaling something awful. Maybe we should try fixing it? It shouldn't be too difficult, right?"
- "Our gas mask has been badly worn out and doesn't really protect against anything. It's a good time to have a go at fixing it."
Choose Boy Scout Handbook:
- "It looks almost brand new! It's interesting that a Scouting Handbook sports instructions for gas mask repair... Oh well, who wants to try it first?" (+1 Gas mask)
- "We had the best intentions, but something went terribly wrong, the damned mask just fell apart. We can't do much with that trash." (Event is locked until a new Gas mask is found)
Choose nothing: "We really don't know how to repair it, so it's probably best to leave it alone."
Repair Map[]
- Prerequisite: Damaged map
- Repeating event
Journal entries:
- "We're pretty sure the place we want to go it in the middle of a big hole in our map, and that really ruins the whole point of using this thing to guide us. So here is a thought – why don't we fix the map?"
- "It's really hard to decipher anything from a ruined map, so it would be a good idea to restore it a bit, patch it up a little. Maybe even update it?"
Choose Boy Scout Handbook:
- "Good news, we got ourselves a map that we can use! The question is, can anyone read it properly?" (+1 Map)
- "We completely ruined the damned map... we could blame someone, but it's probably safer to say the paper was of terrible quality." (Event is locked until a new Map is found)
Repair Rifle[]
- Prerequisite: Damaged rifle
- Repeating event
Journal entry:
- "The damaged rifle hanging there makes us feel unsafe. Maybe we should fix it? Not to mention it could be useful in this part of the wasteland. Any part of the wasteland for that matter."
- "There's no need to keep a rifle that doesn't even shoot. We've tried, but it's just not working as a decorative piece. It's totally ruining the flow of spiritual energy in our shelter! Why don't we try fixing it to make it useful again?"
- "That gun of ours will probably be more dangerous for whoever is firing it rather than for the target. That's not how a gun should work! Let's fix it."
Choose Boy Scout Handbook:
- "With the help of the Scouting Handbook, we were able to get the rifle into working condition. We even ended up with spare parts!" (+1 Rifle)
- Possible event: "Everything would have been OK if it wasn't for the last bullet stuck in the barrel. Of course, it fired right into somebody's leg." (Inflicts Injury upon one family member)
- "Well... the rifle no longer looks like a rifle. More like a lawn mower. It's probably best to get rid of it..." (Event is locked until a new Rifle is found)
Research Assistance.[]
Reach for the Stars! ending event 1
Journal entry:
- "The Doc came knocking on our door to collect the supplies that he requested. They're important for the project, he said. We can trust him. After all, he's a doctor!"
Choose Soup:
- "We shared what we could. Thankfully, it was enough. The Doc nodded with approval and promised he'd come back before disappearing with our supplies. We're still wondering if we made the right decision." (-4 Soup)
Choose nothing:
- "This guy is a bit too nutty, even by our standards. We'll hold to our supplies for now. We can always change our minds later." (doctor comes again after a few days) (see below)
If "Choose nothing" the 1st time:
- "That crazy scientist visited us again, insisting that we hand over the supplies he asked us to colect. Obvioulsy, you need supplies before taking a trip, but we're skeptical"
Choose Soup:
- "This post-apocalyptic worls is full of craziness, bus maybe this scientist is really on to something. If he is, we want to be the first to know, so we shared our supplies. We expect him to come back with more surprises soon." (-4 Soup)
Choose nothing: (???)
Supply Drop:[]
(If the Radio is in the shelter) We heard something about a supply drop on the radio. This might be just what we need to survive, and it's supposed happen near our house! Shall we go out and find out if it's really happening.
Use Gas Mask:[]
- The air drop crate we found wasn't exactly huge, but it contained a few supplies that will definitely help us. We were especially happy to find some water bottles and food cans. For a minute, we thought it was canned meat, but then we find out it was tomato soup. Our theory is that this whole country used to run on tomatoes and no one suspected a thing! +2 Water +2 Soup**(Sometimes) We went to get the supplies and our gas mask got a bit damaged. Note taken - don't stand under a supply drop crate when it's falling out of the sky! -Gas Mask
Use Nothing:[]
- It was too dangerous without any protection, so we decided to stay indoors and listen to the radio. The static is so relaxing!
Secrets Of The Shelter:[]
1. One of the cupboards in the shelter was a bit shaky, so we pulled it out to give it a new home. In the process, we discovered a secret door! Where does it lead? No idea, but let's find out!
2. Ever since we jumped into this fallout shelter we've been wondering about that OTHER door in the shelter. Should it even be here? Where does it lead? It's high time to checked it out.
3. We felt that we should do something about our interior decoration. the feng shui is really off in our fallout shelter. While we were moving things around, we found a secret door. What's behind it? There is only one way to find out!
Use Rifle:[]
- What's the first thing to do when you open a door leading to a place you didn't know? Open fire! Bam bam! Our bullets struck the wall and guess what - we hit a water pipe! We were able to fill a few water bottles with all the water that trickled from the bullet holes. +2 Water
- We figured the best way to be sure nothing and no one jumps us inside the mysterious room, was to bash the door open and start firing. When the smoke was gone, we were able to assess our operation, the room was empty, we hit nothing but the walls, and was barely dodged one ricochet gone bad.
Use Flashlight:[]
- While looking through the room with the flashlight, we ran into an old rifle that used to belong to grandpa Bill. We believe he brought it back from Europe after World War I. It seems to be in working order, even though his final years Bill was more concerned with smoking like a chimney and trying on his beret. +Rifle
- It was very fortunate we had that flashlight! If it wasn't for that, we would've missed a pile of old maps collecting dust in a corner. They were mostly boring national park maps and the like, but one of them turned out to be a map of our town. +Map
- Holy cow! This is one lucky day. While browsing through the junk in the room, we found a working radio. Let's put it to good use! +Radio
- We inspected every corner of the room and found nothing. Well, that was a waste of time!
Use Nothing:[]
- Some things are better left untouched and unknown. Whatever is behind that door will have to stay there. We also stacked some furniture against it, just to be sure nothing and no one comes through them.
Signalled The Army:[]
(If the Army was contacted):
1. We were able to catch the military broadcast again. This time they're asking us to get out with a flashlight and signal to their plane after it gets dark. If all goes well, they'll ba able to find us. Sounds like we'll be leaving soon!
2. The military transmitting again! They said their first step is to located any remaining survivors. A plane will be doing a sweep over our neighbourhood this evening and we're supposed to be out in the open, signalling to it with a flashlight.
3. Shine your boots and hoist the flag! The army is on the radio again! They're telling us to get our flashlight ready to signal their aircraft. It'll be flying over our area later this evening. If they see our light, they'll know where to look for us!
Use Flashlight:[]
- Everything was going as planned, but then the flashlight stopped working! We were lucky to get it fixed just in time to hear the distant roar of the plane's engines. We're pretty sure the pilot saw us. Let's see if they get back to us! +Military ending continues
Use Nothing:[]
- The signal has to wait. Beside, do they even know how much flashlight batteries cost?! Especially in this economy! Especially after it was wiped out!
Silent Has The Grave:[]
1. Hear that? No? Because no one is talking. Not a word in hours. None at all. We can't just stare and stare at the walls. We need to do something about this.
2. The dreadful silence is becoming boring and like every happy model-family we don't have that many thing to talk about. Is there anything we can do about that? Anything at all?
3. We've discussed everything we could and no one is willing to chat anymore. The silence is really disturbing. We should do something before we start talking to ourselves instead
====Use Radio:====*Ah! How fortunate we took the radio with us! We can probably listen some music. They still play music out there, don't they?
Use Nothing:[]
- There's nothing here. Maybe, if we try really hard, we can hear the neighbours in their shelter? +Everyone get tired
Shave Time!:[]
(If Ted's beard grew to its maximum):
1. Sure, times are hard, and there isn't much need to shave anymore, but beard are still not welcome in this house! Any means of cutting a beard is acceptable. Say... that axe looks quite sharp. Maybe it could help with some beard trimming?
2. We didn't pack any razors when came down to the shelter, and now some of us can be confused with a sasquatch. A good, sharp axe might be perfect replacement for a razor...
Use Axe:[]
- With some skill, trimming a beard with an axe turned out to be both possible and quite relaxing. We should do it more often. +Increases Ted' sanity +Shave Ted's beard +Unlock "Lumbersexual" Achievement
- Ouch. Turns out an axe is no good as a replacement for a razor. +Ted gets hurt
Choose Nothing:[]
- No axe - no shave. Maybe another time.
Shelter Schooling:[]
1. If we care about the future of our kids, we need to start home schooling Timmy. Or maybe shelter schooling is the right choice of words these days. We need to provide him with some reading material as soon as possible!
2. Our family has been stuck down here for a while now and we are very worried this might have an adverse effect on Timmy's education. Can he even read anymore? Up there he at least consumed a comic book or two a week. Now nothing! We need to give him something to read.
==== Use Checkers:====*Good things we have those checkers! They contain an instruction sheet. Perfect reading material for a young boy like Timmy. Who would've anticipated that reading those three sentences too many times over would fry his brain a little bit. Poor Timmy... +Timmy gets tired
Use Bug Spray:[]
- All we have is the anti-bug spray. It has a few lable's that Timmy can read. Who would've thought he would be curious enough to spray himself in the face... that was... unfortunate +Timmy gets sick
Use Scout Handbook:[]
- The only book we have with us is the Scout Handbook, but it's more than enough to get Timmy reading. He might learn a thing or two along the way. Perfect! +Increases Timmy's sanity
Use Nothing:[]
- We don't need no education! It's the new world and schooling won't make any difference! It's all about who owns the most cans now! One can, two cans, five cans! +Decreases Timmy's sanity
Sleepless In Atomsville:[]
1. It's hard to keep track of time down here, we can't tell if it's the night or day, our sleeping patterns are messed up. These terrible light bulbs are not helping. Too bad we can't replace them. There has to be something else we can do about this!
2. This is terrible. We can't sleep! We've been having problems with sleeping ever since we got down here, but now it's worse than ever. If we don't deal with this problem, we won't be able to cope with any other challenges that await us outside these thin shelter doors.
3. We might be safe inside these walls, but there are other problems to consider. None of us can sleep properly. We have to deal with this as soon as possible. Otherwise, we might end up falling asleep in the face of real danger, like saucer men from Mars!
Use Medkit:[]
- Our first aid kit was well stocked with a variety of medical supplies, including a pack of sleeping pills. We never thought we would use them, but in these conditions it's the right thing to do. Also, it was a nice change from our usual diet of tomato soup. We're all rested now and can enjoy our time in the shelter. Or can we? -Medkit +Everyone rested
Use Nothing:[]
- Bravely ignoring our symptoms, we tried to get at least an hour or two of sleep. No luck. We're even more tired than we were, and there are other problems we will need to face soon. Let's just hope our yawning will be enough to scare raiders away or save us from radiation sickness. +Some character can get tired +Decreases a lot everyone's sanity
Soup And Circuses:[]
The boredom and silence are overwhelming. To bad we don't have a TV to keep us occupied... but maybe we could take advantage of some of our supplies and pretend they're props on a movies set?
Use Suitcase:[]
- Ted and Mary Jane were reminded of their regular cinema trips, so they were happy to improvise scene for the rest of us. Ted was Marilyn and Mary Jane was the director, ordering him around. She was really strict about her artist vision, but Ted managed to deliver a performance so convincing, we forgot for a moment that he isn't a lovely, slim, blonde Hollywood star! +Increases Ted and Mary Jane's sanity
- The suitcase was supposed to serve as a small podium. Ted and Mary Jane argued about who should stand on the podium and deliver a monologue in their improvised scene. Long story short, both of them stood on the top of the suitcase at the same time. Unfortunate. -Suitcase
Use Axe:[]
- Ted and Mary Jane used to be big cinema buffs before the apocalypse, so they instantly jumped on this idea. Mary Jane always complained "Singing' in the rain" lacks action, so they took the axe and improvised an extra scene. Very bloody. They insist the movie would have been way better if it had more axes in it. +Increases Ted and Mary Jane's sanity
Use Nothing:[]
- Ted and Mary Jane seemed let down, but we have more important thing to do than playing theater right now. +Decreases Ted and Mary Jane's sanity
Soup kitchen.[]
- Twins ending event
- Also known as: "Hunger games."
- Introduced during What's in the Suitcase? DLC
Journal entry:
- "We found an unsigned letter today. The stranger asks for our help – apparently there are a few survivors in grave need of supplies and we have a chance to help them. They're saying that we won't regret it and we would make several people very, very happen. Should we do it?"
- "We received a mysterious note today, politely requesting that we share some supplies with other survivors. We have no idea who it might be from, but whoever wrote this also included a few words of encouragement, saying that we will be in some way rewarded for our generosity. Should we do it?"
- "A note on our doorstep took us all by surprise. It in [sic] we found a request to bring some supplies to a set location, signed – friends. Friends? What kind of friends? We don't know who these people are, but here's our chance to find out. They're promising to make it worth our while. Should we help them?"
- "When we opened the shelter door today, we saw a letter lying on the ground. It was a cry for help from a group of friendly survivors nearby, or at least that's who they claim to be. They're asking us to bring some supplies over to a set location and they're giving us their word that we'll not regret our generosity. Should we do it?"
Choose Soup:
- "The authors of the note turned out to be twin siblings, a brother and a sister. They greeted us happily and took us to a small tent where they started handing out the supplies we brought to a small group of hungry survivors. Between them were people of all ages, including children, the elderly and even a mime. The siblings shook our hands and proclaimed this the beginning of a new friendship! They promised to contact us again soon." (-1 Soup)
- "We arrived at the location and met the people who sent the letter – twin siblings, a brother and a sister. They are taking care of a group of survivors, mostly children, elderly and injured people who can't scavenge themselves. They told us that they're searching the town for any and all good and decent people in hopes of maybe uniting their strength and making everybody feel safer and cared for. They thanked us and promised to stay in touch. How nice!" (-1 Soup)
Choose nothing:
- "We know there's other people in need and we feel bad for them, but we cannot spare the supplies right now. This will have to wait."
- "Maybe some other day we can reconsider that request, but today our answer is no. It might just be a trap anyway..."
- "We don't know anything about these people, how can we trust them with our lives and supplies? We're not doing this right now."
1. We're either going crazy or this entire shelter is crawling with little insects... or worse. It's worse! They're spiders! And not some miniature ones, but huge, furry and very creepy beasts! We've got something to do about them!
2. This is insane! We keep finding spiders everywhere. They're in our soup. They're in our water. We swear some of them keep coming back, and they are bigger every time we see them! It can't go on like this. It's time to wage war on these spiders!
3. Spiders seem to be operating under the assumption that they have all the rights in this shelter as we do. They're everywhere and don't seem very scared of us. It's time we changed that. We don't want anymore spiders in our soup, no sir!
Use Bug Spray:[]
- If there is one thing that can drive spiders away, and stop us climbing up the furniture, it's the bug killing spray. This was the right time to unleash this deadly weapon and the results were exellent. We eradicated 404 of those little bastards. We even found a water bottle stashed in the corner. It was a good day! +1 Water -Bug Spray
- When it's us or them, there shouldn't be any reservation when it comes to choosing your arsenal. We knew those spiders stood no chance against well aimed bug killing spray. So we used it. When it was over, the few remaining spiders fled. We started cleaning up and claimed an unexpected prize - a soup can that we didn't noticed before. It was well hidden in the shadows and under a few layers of dead spiders. +1 Soup -Bug Spray
Use Scout Handbook:[]
- A good book is the solution to any problem you encounter. This inclues marauding spiders. A few precise hits and suddenly every spider is aware of what the word "decimation" means. We also found a misplaced soup can while hunting those pesky spiders. That was a bountiful hunt. +1 Soup
- (Sometimes) During our vicious fight with dozen of spiders, one got lucky and bit Mary Jane. It didn't seems serious, but when we got up this morning... she was different +Mary Jane Mutated
- We always knew books were precious. They are the perfect weapon for waging total war on insectoids of any kind! Fear will keep the locale spiders in line. Fear of this Scout Handbook. While chasing them around the shelter, we found a misplaced water bottle. That was a good +1 Water
- (Sometimes) During our vicious fight with dozen of spiders, one got lucky and bit Mary Jane. It didn't seems serious, but when we got up this morning... she was different +Mary Jane Mutated
Use Medkit:[]
- Maybe there are no spiders and it's all just an hallucination? A few pills might help. Guess what? They did! No more spiders! Problem gone!
Use Nothing:[]
- We decided we could get rid of those spiders with our bare hands, feet and whatever other body parts we could use for lethal anti-spider attacks. Unfortunately, we've underestimated their chances. They're really fast. All we can achieved was getting tired. Maybe we'll have some more luck next time. +Some characters can get tired#*(Sometimes) During our vicious fight with dozen of spiders, one got lucky and bit Mary Jane. It didn't seems serious, but when we got up this morning... she was different +Mary Jane mutated
- (If Sharikov is in the shelter) While we were asleep, Sharikov made a short work of these pesky spiders. It chased them around until all of them ran away through cracks in the shelter walls. Let's hope stay gone for a good.
(If mutant roaches are in the shelter):
1. We always wanted a pet, but we just couldn't decide what to get. A cat? A dog? No matter, we have our very own cockroach colony now. Unless we want them to stay and play fetch, we could start doing something to drive them out. Though the fetch option is quite likely - they're as a big small puppies!
2. These cockroaches aren't playing around. They're very territorial and they're leaving us less and less space every day. We need to do something about it.
3. It turns out Mr. Freeman, the physics teacher at Timmy's school, was right. One plus one, does indeed, make two. In our case, it's two or more cockroaches, because those little bastards just keep coming! We need to clean up our mess or end up with a full-blown infestation!
4. The roaches seem to get more organized with every passing day. At first it was just one or two of them, but nowadays we see small columns of them marching through the shelter. We need to do deal [sic] with this situation before their civilization becomes superior to ours!
5. We learned a valuable lesson recently, if you don't do anything about roaches in your home, you will end up with more roaches. That's not ideal. If we don't do anything about it, we will end up all glowy, just like them.
6. It seems that for every cockroach we squash with our boots, two others take its place! It's time to do something about it before we get completely overrun.
Use Rifle:[]
- We won the battle, and maybe even the whole war. After the massacre was over, we tidied up the cockroach remains and dumped them next to our shelter door. Let that be a warning to all the other insects out there! Don't mess with us. +Mutant Roaches leave the shelter
- We have defeated the insidious roaches and driven them away. Their nests are ours! That should teach them a lesson +Mutant Roaches leave the shelter
- Victory is ours! The roaches lie defeated. Oh, this is a glorious day for all remaining humanity! Humans are the dominant species once again.+Mutant Roaches leave the shelter
- The roaches might've had the numbers, but we turned out to be the strategic masterminds. After we murdered their leader and showed his severed head to his army, the remaining roaches scattered in panic and ran away.+Mutant Roaches leave the shelter
- We dodged a bullet this time. That is, if a bullet was huge, hairy, had eight legs and a glowing head. Hopefully, we won't have to deal with them again. +Mutant Roaches leave the shelter
Use Bug Spray:[]
- We won the battle, and maybe even the whole war. After the massacre was over, we tidied up the cockroach remains and dumped them next to our shelter door. Let that be a warning to all the other insects out there! Don't mess with us. -Bug Spray +Mutant Roaches leave the shelter
- We have defeated the insidious roaches and driven them away. Their nests are ours! That should teach them a lesson -Bug Spray +Mutant Roaches leave the shelter
- The roaches might've had the numbers, but we turned out to be the strategic masterminds. After we murdered their leader and showed his severed head to his army, the remaining roaches scattered in panic and ran away. -Bug Spray +Mutant Roaches leave the shelter
- We dodged a bullet this time. That is, if a bullet was huge, hairy, had eight legs and a glowing head. Hopefully, we won't have to deal with them again. -Bug Spray +Mutant Roaches leave the shelter
Use Scout Handbook:[]
- We won the battle, and maybe even the whole war. After the massacre was over, we tidied up the cockroach remains and dumped them next to our shelter door. Let that be a warning to all the other insects out there! Don't mess with us. +Mutant Roaches leave the shelter
- We have defeated the insidious roaches and driven them away. Their nests are ours! That should teach them a lesson +Mutant Roaches leave the shelter
- The roaches might've had the numbers, but we turned out to be the strategic masterminds. After we murdered their leader and showed his severed head to his army, the remaining roaches scattered in panic and ran away.+Mutant Roaches leave the shelter
- We dodged a bullet this time. That is, if a bullet was huge, hairy, had eight legs and a glowing head. Hopefully, we won't have to deal with them again. +Mutant Roaches leave the shelter
Use Nothing:[]
- "Our new cockroach roommates can be a bit messy, disgusting and annoying, but surely this is not the worst thing that could've happened to us, and there's not much we can do about it anyway. Maybe one day we'll manage to convince them to pay the rent." +Some characters can get sick
- "Although they're a bit glowy, and we're pretty sure they spread diseases, we have no means of fighting those damn roaches. Best just get used to the situation... better the roaches than bandits. Or commies." +Some characters can get sick
- "Our time will come, but for the time being we'll just have to... adapt to this living situation. They're here, we're here. Let's make the best of it. They're only cockroaches, after all." +Some characters can get sick
- "Living with roaches can't be too bad, right? Even if they're stealing your pillows, socks and wallets. Why would roaches even need wallets?! And that smell is horrible..." +Some characters can get sick
- (If Sharikov is in the shelter) Mutated cockroaches, say hello to our little friend, Sharikov! We were worried about these nasty bugs popping up in the corners the last few days, but our cat put an end to them. It spent all morning hunting the roaches one by one until almost none were left. THe cat then wanted some recognition for its hard work, dropping dead bus in our soup. At least, that's how we choose to interpret it. Surely its not that much of a jerk to do it for its own amusement,right...? Right? +Mutant Roaches leave the shelter
Tear Down This Nest:[]
1. Cockroach alert! Thankfully not here, but in our friend's camp. The place is all set and ready for moving in, but the siblings came over today to tell us that they encountered a problem. They found a nest of mutant cockroaches, right in the middle of the camp, and they would like to get rid of them before anybody moves in. They're asking if we have anything that could prove useful in fighting these creatures.
2. Our friends are back and somehow, it's not a surprise that they need our assistance yet again. The siblings were thrilled to announce that the camp has been built and only one, small issue remains - a huge nest of mutated cockroaches. They tried to make go away peacefully but so far, the roaches are refusing to cooperate. An eviction notice simply won't do, they will have to be dealt with in a more violent manner.
3. When we heard familiar voices of our friends behind the door, we rushed to open. The siblings and their group have finished building their camp! Unfortunately, they discovered that the place had already its own inhabitants... mutated cockroaches. The insects even made the nest right in the middle of the place! Is there anything we can do to help them get rid of these roaches?
Use Bug Spray/Rifle/Axe:[]
- We gave the group just what they needed to get rid of the unwanted housemates. The insects are gone, and their nest was destroyed, so they will need to find another camp to settle in. Hopefully they will choose a bandit camp instead of bothering decent wastelanders like our friends! +Twins ending continues
- The roaches proved to be reasonable – they responded to violence by moving out. They didn't even put up much of a fight... maybe they were peaceful? Who cares, the camp is now ready to live in and we hope our friend will enjoy their new, insect-free home. +Twins ending continues
Use Nothing:[]
- This friendly group sure likes to ask other people to do their dirty work for them... we can't count how many times they asked us already. Why don't they just leave us alone?!
The Fun Factor:[]
(If the event "And My Axe!/Paging Doctor Ted/The Grand Plan" has been done before):
1. The siblings are back with their group to announce that their camp has been finished! They are attempting to make living there as enjoyable as possible and they have one problem - their children. The older ones can be trained to help in scouting or guarding the base, but the youngsters get bored really fast. The group has been going through the rubbles, looking for toys and games that would keep kids occupied and happy.
2. The friendly group came today to say that the camps is almost complete, but they need a few more items to make the place really worth living in. It's mostly about the children - there's a bunch of them in the camp and their only entertainment so far is playing tag in the sad ruins of their homes. The group is collecting toys to keep the children happy and stop them from running of into the wasteland.
Use Harmonica:[]
- Not only are musical instruments fun, this one is also historically significant! Harmonica was the instrument of choice of several American presidents. Let's hope the kids appreciate that and treat the mouth organ with respect it deserves. -Harmonica +Twins ending continues
Use Cards:[]
- We were happy to share our set of cards with them. Sure, the deck isn't complete so the kids will have to make up some new games, but at least it'll keep them busy. Our friend agreed and promised us updated on the situation in the camp! -Deck of Cards +Twins ending continues
Use Checkers:[]
- Even playing with an incomplete set of checkers is a better choice for these kids than playing hide ans seek in the radioactive wasteland. Or maybe the other way around? The group was grateful and we're sure their children will be too. We hope to see our friends again soon and find out more about their new camplife! -Checkerboard +Twins ending continues
Use Nothing:[]
- These games are the only things that keeps us relatively sane. They are crucial for our survival in this cruel world! We will not give them away.
- We feel bad for these kids, but we don't have any toys shelter. The group said they would scavenge some more and visit us again soon.
The Grand Plan:[]
1. The siblings are back! Their group is growing bigger with each passing day, as they pick up tired and hungry survivors and nurse them back to health. However, so far they only have one tent and soon they will run out of space for everybody. Right now, they're scouting the town looking for a good spot to build a bigger camp and they could really use a map.
2. The twin siblings have paid us a visit, asking if we have a map of our town in the shelter. Their group is becoming bigger everyday and they are slowly running out of space in their tent, so now they're travelling through the city looking for a good spot to make a camp.
3. The twin siblings contacted us again. Today they visited our humble shelter saying they're looking for a map of the nearby area. Their plan is to find a relatively safe place for a new camp that could accommodate their whole group and anybody else who would want to move in with them. A plan of the city would be very helpful in their situation, at least to help organize their scouting expeditions.
Use Map:[]
- We were happy to see them again! We quickly handed them our map and pointed out several locations that might be worth checking out. They left before it got dark to still get a few hours of scouting in daylight, but they said they would definitely be back again to share some news and a friendly chat. We hope they found a good place... maybe we could visit them when the camp is ready? +Twins ending continues
- They didn't have to ask twice – these people are very friendly, and the way they take care of others is impressive. We showed them the map and pointed out a few bandit camps that they should avoid. They were grateful and stayed for a little chat. They said they would be more than happy if we came to visit them once their camp is ready. We can't wait to see how it turns out! +Twins ending continues
====Use Nothing:====*They cannot expect us to give our only map! What kind of friends are they? We just had to say no.
- If we had a map, we would definitely share it with them. We apologized and sent them on their way.
The Huntress:[]
1. We were admiring the radioactive landscape when we saw a young woman dressed in ragged camo clothing. She had a nasty looking rifle, but she hailed us in polite enough manner. She claims to be a hunter, tracking a big, mutated spider. She ran out of ammo and told us that if we were to help here out, she would pay us back in a while.
2. There's an armed and dangerous woman outside! Fortunately she's out of ammo. She tells us she hunts the wild beasts of the wastes, and right now she's on the trail of a giant, mutated spider. We're pretty sure she's lost her mind – what are you gonna do with that spider, lady – put it on a leash? She promises that if we help her, she will return the favor another day.
====Use Ammunition:====*She could've hurt us but she didn't! That counts for something, so we rewarded her with our spare ammo. Let's see if she keeps her word. -Ammunition
- We agreed, mostly because we're kind of curious what she's planning to do with that spider once she catches it. She doesn't want to say. Maybe one day we'll find out. -Ammunition
Use Nothing:[]
- The woman says she hunts mostly for food, clearly she's an uncivilized savage. Delicious soup is what decent people eat these days. We were not amused and didn't give her anything.
- An armed person who murders things for a living? Giant mutated spiders? In our neighbourhood?! We don't want to have anything to do with this stuff. Goodbye, lady.
If the huntress was aided, another non-interactive event follows in several days:
Monster on a leash.[]
Journal entry:
- Some people keep dogs and cats, and then there's the ones who travel around with a huge mutant spider on a leash. Turns out one of them was the huntress we helped some time ago. She came back and shared a meal with us. Her tamed pet spider tagged along and it turned to be quite friendly. We're pretty sure it purred when we pet him on the head, right above his huge, bloodthirsty, terrifying eyes. Cute! (Removes hunger )
The Knights Who Say...:[]
1. What's that sound? A galloping horse? We rushed to the door and were greeted by two men, dressed like they'd come from a medieval fair. We identified the source of the sound - one them was holding two rocks and hitting them against each other constantly, while the other was skipping and pretending to be a rider. They got said they're looking for some antique cup, but they'd got lost and they would be most grateful if we would let them check out map, provided we have one.
2. We had the most curious visit today. One of them was making the sound of a galloping horse using a pair of rocks and hitting them against each other, while his companion was pretending to rise said "horse". They claimed to be on a very important quest to seek some magical cup, only they lost their way in the wasteland. They asked permission to have a quick look at our map to determine their whereabouts.
Use Map:[]
- They seemed friendly enough, so we let them have a look at our map. They thanked us and offered us some supplies in exchange. We graciously accepted and wished them luck on their quest. +RANDOM
- We were way too impressed with their medieval outfits to decline, so we showed them our map and pointed at the location of our shelter. They quickly found their bearings and rewarded our kindness with a set of checkers, then swiftly rode off. Or ran off. We hope they find what they're looking for. +Checkers
- They were clearly crazy but harmless, so we fulfilled their request and it was worth it! They turned out to be very generous and gave us an axe. They claimed it was a magical battleaxe, but to us it looks just like a regular one. Whatever, as long as the blade is sharp. +Axe
Use Nothing:[]
- We couldn't contain our laughter and our guests took offense. They ran off shouting that our ancestors were rodents and smelled like forest fruits. How rude.
- Although we tried to decline politely, the guests were clearly offended. They galloped away, waving their wooden swords and screaming something about cutting down shrubberies. Absolutely crazy.
The Neighbours Downstairs:[]
1. Hear that? Noises, coming from below! This is probably the right time to check that manhole in the corner, the one that's been locked tight ever since we got to the shelter...
2. What's that sound? Oh no! Something, or someone, is below us! It's only reasonable to go and check it out. How about using that manhole in the corner?
3. For an isolated fallout shelter we sure have a lot of disturbances. Something has been making a lot of noise since dawn and we couldn't sleep! It seems to be coming from under the floor... and coincidentally, we just found a manhole that we could use to go down and check what's going on.
Use Axe:[]
- Whatever live down there making all that noise, probably fled when we jumped down waving our axe around and shouthing warrior chants. Our warrior chants sounded like jingles from the radio ads, but that's probably made them even more terrifying. The only thing lieft in the secret room was a gas mask. It smells a bit funny, but it works +Gas Mask
- Who would've guessed we had a secret wine cellar under our house! Thanks to our trusty flashlight, we were able to hunt down some remaining bottles. The contents tasted more like water than wine, but as long as it's liquid,we're happy +2 Water
- We found treasure down there! Pills, bottles and other medical supplies were stacked on a few shelves down in a narrow room. Just enough to stocked our first aid kit. Good for us? We didn't find the source of the noise. +Medkit
- Amazing! We had a pirate cave right under our house! It was filled with treasure of sorts... too bad we only had the time to grab a map before the place collapsed. Luckily, it didn't have any impact on our shelter. +Map
- We went down with our hearts in our throats, but nothing happened. We found the tiny passage blocked. The noises were gone after a while. Hopefully it will stay that way.
- What the hell! We barely made it out alive! It was a giant, mutated crocodile! Or an alligator! Ot something else with a giant mounth and plenty of teeth! Is anyone hurt? +Someone gets hurt
Use Flashlight:[]
- If we didn't have this flashlight, we'd probably be meal for... for something that was down there. We're not sure, but its eyes looked very reptilian, very vicious and very, very hungry. Was that a dinosaur?!
- Who would've guessed we had a secret wine cellar under our house! Thanks to our trusty flashlight, we were able to hunt down some remaining bottles. The contents tasted more like water than wine, but as long as it's liquid,we're happy +2 Water
- We found treasure down there! Pills, bottles and other medical supplies were stacked on a few shelves down in a narrow room. Just enough to stocked our first aid kit. Good for us? We didn't find the source of the noise. +Medkit
- Amazing! We had a pirate cave right under our house! It was filled with treasure of sorts... too bad we only had the time to grab a map before the place collapsed. Luckily, it didn't have any impact on our shelter. +Map
- We went down with our hearts in our throats, but nothing happened. We found the tiny passage blocked. The noises were gone after a while. Hopefully it will stay that way.
- What the hell! We barely made it out alive! It was a giant, mutated crocodile! Or an alligator! Ot something else with a giant mounth and plenty of teeth! Is anyone hurt? +Someone gets hurt
Use Nothing:[]
- Going into a tight, dark tunnel is not a good idea. Especially with those weird noises coming from it. They are giving us the creeps, even up here... +Decreases everyone's sanity
The Signal:[]
(If at least one expedition was done + If Timmy is in the shelter):
We saw something strange on our way back from the expedition. A chain of lights on the horizon, pulsing and flashing in a chaotic manner. It didn't make much sense to us at the time, but when we discussed it in the shelter, Timmy said it might be a secret scout signal. He would need to check out the signal by himself and decode it using a scoutbook.
Use Scout handbook:[]
- We haven't seen Timmy this excited in a Iong time! He decoded the flashing lights as a scout signal indeed, which means some of his friends are still around and kicking. Unless a few bandits found a scoutbook laying around and they're now trying to lure innocent kids into a trap... Timmy wants to prepare a coded message and try to transmit it soon.
Use Nothing:[]
- We have doubts about it being a legitimate signal from real scouts. We're not risking walking into a bandit trap. Better just forget we saw anything. +Decreases Timmy's sanity
The World Is On Fire!:[]
1. We're not big fans of our strange smelling shelter, but when we strated to smell something burning, we quickly realised how much we prefer the "nothing is on fire" scent it had before. A FIRE! We need to put it out and save our supplies! We don't have time to save them all! What do we save?!
2. Playing with matches is never a good idea. Doing so in a tiny, underground shelter is probably even lower on the "good idea" scale. A few matches later, and we ended up with flames licking up one of the walls. Time is short, we need to put it out and save our supplies! What do we save?!
3. We've been smelling something funny in the shelter ever since we woke up. Sure enough, there was something. Something, or someone, started a FIRE! And it's already spreading, we cant save everything! What do we save from the flames?!
Use Medkit:[]
- Drugs! Get the drugs! That was our first thought, and we were able to secure the medkit before it was burnt to ashes, but the fire grew quickly and damaged other supplies. We need to go through our stuff and see what's fine and what's not. -Scout Handbook -Radio
- That was close! We were able to put out the fire and nothing seems to be damaged, at least not very badly. Let's just hope this doesn't happen again or we might need to call the firemen. Are there even any firemen left?
Use Radio:[]
- We need our source of information! We went for the radio first and we're able to grab it before it was engulfed by flames. Unfortunately our other supplies weren't so lucky. We need to evaluate our losses. -Scout Handbook -Medkit
- That was close! We were able to put out the fire and nothing seems to be damaged, at least not very badly. Let's just hope this doesn't happen again or we might need to call the firemen. Are there even any firemen left?
Use Scout Handbook:[]
- If there's one thing we need, it's the Scout Handbook! Before any of the pages got touched by the flames, we jumped forward, grabbed it and held it tight, until the fire was gone. We need to examine the damage it has done... but truth be told, it could have been much worse. -Radio -Medkit
- That was close! We were able to put out the fire and nothing seems to be damaged, at least not very badly. Let's just hope this doesn't happen again or we might need to call the firemen. Are there even any firemen left?
Use Nothing:[]
- ??? -Scout Hanbook -Radio -Medkit
- That was close! We were able to put out the fire and nothing seems to be damaged, at least not very badly. Let's just hope this doesn't happen again or we might need to call the firemen. Are there even any firemen left?
Timmy's Wound:[]
([Sometimes] If Timmy was sent on an expedition without Medkit):
1. Timmy got back to the shelter from his expedition and looked fine, but it turned out he has hurt his hand on a piece of rusty metal and the wound was infected. It doesn't look like it's healing up. We have to patch it.
2. Timmy didn't say a word about it, but when he was outside, he scratched his hand on a wire or some other rusty piece of metal. His wound is not looking pretty and we need to do something about it.
Use Axe:[]
- Timmy was very brave about the idea of cleaning up his wound with a heated axe blade. It was a bit painful, but it was soon over. The axe is in no shape to be used again, but Timmy seems much better! -Axe +Cure Timmy's sickness
- (Sometimes) Ouch! The axe slipped just a bit, but that must've hurt... +Timmy gets hurt
====Use Medkit:====*Using our first aid supplies was the obvious choice for getting Timmy back in shape. He's young and strong, so we have no doubt he'll recover soon. -Medkit +Cure Timmy's sickness
Use Nothing:[]
- The best medicine for any sickness or injury is to clench your teeth and ignore it. That was our grandma always said. Of course, she's dead now and has been for a while, ever since she got that nasty frog bite at the fine age of 25. +Timmy can gets sick
Two Legs Good, Four Legs Better!:[]
1. Our patience is wearing thin. We thought it would be a good idea to take a quick look outside to see if there is any trouble in the area. As we were about to step out, a pair of animal eyes flashed in the darkness and their owner start glowing in a most terrifying way. We only had moments to decide what to do.
2. We decided to peek outside just a minute to see if the store around the corner is still standing. When we were about to step out, we heard a growl in the darkness and a pair of ferocious eyes appeared a few step away. We only had moments to decide what to do.
3. There's never a good time to go out into the radioactive wasteland, but it seems this will become a necessity in this new world of ours. We thought it would be a good idea to make this happen sooner, rather than later, and planned a trip outside. Before we could make the third step beyond the shelter doors, an unknown creature started growling at us in the darkness. We had only moments to decide what to do.
Use Bug Spray:[]
- Insect killing spray can wipe out any mutated mosquito, as well as creatures lurking in the shadows. It didn't bother us again. +Pancake can't be obtained anymore
Use Rifle:[]
- A quick shot with the rifle was more than enough to scare away, or maybe bring down, whatever creature stalked us in the darkness. We never saw it again. +Pancake can't be obtained anymore
Use Flashlight:[]
- We decided to check what's coming for us with our flashlight. Guess what. It was a dog! The poor thing seemed tired, so we let it stay with us for the night. The next morning we opened the door to let it out. It still hasn't returned. Hopefully it will come back later.
Use Nothing:[]
- In other circumstances, we might've risked battling a beast in the darkness, but for some reason, we felt that was not to our liking, so we screamed and screamed with terror. The creature was probably more afraid of us, than we were of it. It left in a hurry. +Decreases everyone's sanity +Pancake can't be obtained anymore
- We felt it was too risky to face whatever horror awaited us in the shadows. We did what any sane person would do, we shut the door. The creature was gone the next morning. +Decreases everyone's sanity +Pancake can't be obtained anymore
Ue Kam In Peas:[]
(If Mutant Roaches are in the shelter):
1. Call us weird, but we think those roaches are trying to communicate with us. Is it possible they are now our intellectual equals? Maybe we could turn them into a cheap labour force to support our survival effot? Once a capitalist, always a capitalist!
2. We've never felt weird, but today we had to revisit the term. It seems that our little green pets... guests... are trying to communicated with us. One was even holding something that resembled a sign, wich reads "Ue kam in peas". What on Earth do they mean?!
Use Scout Handbook:[]
- We communicated with their leader in the one language we're sure roaches understand - violence.
Use Bug Spray:[]
- We communicated with their leader in the one language we're sure roaches understand - violence. -Bug Spray
- No, no, no. No talking roaches. No, sir! We need to make sure we do not even look at these abominations. Wait... how do you even use that spray... AIIEEEEEEE! -Bug spray +Unlock "Bughunter" Achievement
Use Nothing:[]
- This is insane, why would we talked to roaches? Are we going insane? Are we?! +Decreases everyone's sanity
- (Sometimes) WHAT THE HELL!? Mary Jane went to bed her normal self, and now she's all... mutated! Oh, Mary Jane, what happend to you?! +Mary Jane mutated
Wasteland Academy:[]
(If the event "And My Axe!/Paging Doctor Ted/The Grand Plan" has been done before):
1. We were happy to host the siblings and a few of their friends today when they visited our shelter. We found out that their camp project has been almost completed! The house are standing and people are slowly moving in, but there's one more thing to think of - the children. And specifically, their education. If the kids are to grown up to be smart and able wastelanders, they need to learn, and to learn, they need books! Lots of books. Do we have any?
2. The siblings visited us again to reveal that their camp is almost finished! People are starting to move in and among them, quite a lot of kids. The group strongly believes that these children needs to get educated, especially in these circumstances. They're looking for books, comics, manuals and pretty much any reading material they can get.
3. The siblings and their friendly group came by the shelter today to inform us that their camp has been finished! Now they wish to establish some sort of schooling system within the camp – some of the kids didn't even manage to learn to read before the bomb fell. They need any book they can get their hands on to help educate the youngsters, and so far the only reading material they found were some communist propaganda fliers.
4. We were afraid we wouldn't hear back from them again, but our friends are back! The siblings have proudly declared that their camp is ready, but they have one more thing in mind for it – a school. They want to somehow educate the children that live there. They already appointed a few people to teach, but they're a bit short on reading material. Do we have anything we could contribute for this cause?
Use Scout Handbook:[]
- We gifted them our beloved Scout Handbook. It will do for younger kids, but one day they will have to establish a complete education system. How about the kids paying ten thousand soup cans to participated lessons? We're sure they would find a way to give it back after they finish school and get some sort of job in the wasteland... makes perfect sense! -Scout Handbook +Twins ending continues
- Children are the future and we fully agree with that! That's what we had no issue giving our Scout Handbook away. We hope the kids learn something useful from it. -Scout Handbook +Twins ending continues
Use Nothing:[]
- The Scout Handbook is THE only book we have in our shelter. We are delighted to have it and we read passage of it during breakfast quite often. It matter too much to us, we cannot give it away.
- Sorry, but this is against what we've been preaching whenever our neighbours tried to make us babysit their nasty offspring – other people's children are not our problem!
- We wish we were able to take some of Timmy's comics and we miss reading our morning paper, but we have nothing of this sort in our bunker right now.
- Our friends were a bit disappointed that we couldn't help them today. They left to scout some more and promised to come back in case we find some books.
- Who needs education nowadays? There's a thousand better uses for a book – you can use it as a pillow, a weapon, or even use the pages to start a fire! We're not giving away such a multi-purpose tool just so a few kids can learn how to read.
We Can Hear Things:[]
1. We've been hearing strange noises lately. Is it coming from the outside or is it something that came into the shelter with us ? Could it be? We found nothing... we feel like we might going crazy. We should probably get busy with something to keep us occupied before this gets worse.
2. There it goes again! Noises, weird noises all the time! Are they coming from the pipes? Walls? Is it something behind the door? We don't know and it's driving us insane! We should sit down and relax. Otherwise we might get paranoid.
3. What in the hell are those sounds? Are they coming from the goddamn walls?! They are driving us crazy! Is something crawling in the air vents!? Relax... take a deep breath. We sould probably calm down before we start tearing them down. Maybe try something relaxing for a bit.
====Use Cards/Checkers:====*Having some fun made us forget about... What was it again? +Increases everyone' sanity
Use Nothing:[]
- Boredom can really get to you in the shelter. It can lead you to dark places. Trust us.
- (Sometimes) Ha. Ha. We can live with them noises, right? We can even be... friends? Ha. Ha. +Ted becomes crazy
- (Sometimes) Dolores no longer talks to us. Earth to Dolores! Can you hear us?! +Dolores becomes crazy
- (Sometimes) Mary Jane started acting even more crazy than she usually does. She seems to be making a nest... Was it the soup? +Mary Jane becomes crazy
- (Sometimes) So... it's not weird that Timmy is now wearing a soup can on his head and pretends it's a helmet? This is just innocent child's play. Or is it? +Timmy becomes crazy
We Stood Our Ground:[]
1. We have a situation on our hands! There is a group approaching our shelter and they don't seem like the occasional, friendly scavengers you run into it. Not at all. They look like they're out for blood. Or cans. Probably cans. This is a terrible time for humanity if canned soup is enough to turn us into monsters! Anyway... We need to defend ourselves!
2. We were about to go to sleep when we heard scratching coming from the door. At first, it sounded like an angry rat trying to eat the damn thing. We soon discovered it was something much worse. Someone is on the other side of the door trying to pry it open! We need to act!
3. Alarm! There is a group of people outside and they don't seem too friendly! We recognise some of them, they used to be in our neighbourhood watch. They don't sound too concerned with the well-being of the neighbourhood...anymore, but they are very serious about angrily waving their heavy flashlights. We need to do something before they break in and take everything we have.
4. Alert! There is a gang of firefighters outside! Or at least they are dressed like ones. They've been banging on the door, ordering us to surrender all of our supplies. They claim they will drive us out with fire if we don't comply! Guess the definition of a firefighter has somewhat changed recently. How do we oppose them?
5. When someone knocked on the door, we were suspicious and cautious, but after a few minutes of talking it turned out it was just a group of old ladies who were at a tea-party not far from here when the bombs dropped. We thought it would only be good manners to talk to them face to face. When we opened the door those old bats attacked us with their umbrellas, canes and something that looked like a spiked table leg! We need to fight back!
Use Padlock:[]
- We didn't think that a small padlock would stop them, but it turned out to be able to discourage the unknown attackers. It seems that they gave this whole break-in a fair shot, but ultimately gave up and left. Too bad that padlock is in no shape to be used again. We need to think of other ways to fight off the bandits and other soup hungry barbarians. -Padlock
Use Bug Spray:[]
- Bug killing spray may be primarily used for killing insects, but it seems to work equally well as a bandit repellent. As long as you aim for their eyes, the reaction is quite instant. We're safe for now, but for how much longer? And is the spray going to be enough to drive those lowlifes away next time? -Bug Spray
- Using the bug spray seemed to be a good idea and it slowed the bandit down, but they still have enough firepower to storm into the shelter and steal some of the food. They left quickly, so maybe we don't lose all of our cans. -2 Soup -Bug Spray
Use Axe:[]
- Here's Jonny, you can-greedy bastards! Yeah! That's right! You'd better run! And thanks for leaving one of your rifles! +Rifle -Axe
- Some axe action was enough to send those cowards running. Bet your ass they will be back. Vermin like that are never long gone, they crawl out of shadows when the night comes. Let's keep our axe sharp -Axe
Use Rifle:[]
- The gun fight was intense, but our position gave us the advantage we needed to drive those thugs away. One of them even lost an axe while retreating. We'll make sure it's used for all the right reasons. Specifically - not robbing us. +Axe | Oh damn it... we spoken to soon. We think the gun is broken. What do we do now?! -Rifle
- It's not surprising that a few shot were enough to send those cowards running. The question is, what happens if the rifle malfunctions or we used all of our ammo? We do hope it won't come to that. Otherwise, we might need to defend ourselves using knives and forks. | Oh damn it... we spoken to soon. We think the gun is broken. What do we do now?! -Rifle
Use Nothing:[]
- We were not able to push the attackers back, but for some reason they left. They could have taken everything and killed everyone, but they just stopped their attack and turned back. Either we got lucky or this is a prelude to something much worse.
- The invaders burst into our shelter like a violent tidal-wave and immediately went for one thing that was of the greatest value to them – our canned food stockpile. They grabbed as many cans as they could and left. -2 Water/Soup
- We couldn't hold the attackers off and they stormed the shelter. They had enough mercy to let us live, but they had no second thoughts about robbing us and taking everything we owned. -Everything in the shelter
- Ted was badly wounded during the assault. This is not looking good. +Ted gets hurt
- Dolores got a nasty injury during the fight. We hope she will be all right, but we probably need to take care of that wound. +Dolores gets hurt
- Mary Jane was knocked out when the fighting moved into the shelter. She says all she had is a little headache, but we should keep an eye on her. +Mary Jane gets hurt
- Timmy got hit when those thugs stormed in! He claims he's OK, but this might be something serious. +Timmy gets hurt
- No, no, no! They got Ted! There was nothing we could do, they just dragged him out of the shelter, into the unknown. What do we do now?!" (Ted died)
- ??? (Dolores died)
- ??? (Mary Jane died)
- ??? (Timmy died)
Widow's Mite:[]
1. We were discussing plans for our first meal that didn't feature tomato soup when we heards yells outside. We discovered they came from a small group of ragged survivors. They were a sorry slight and we weren't surprised when they requested aid. They asked us to provide anything we could - water, food, or medical supplies...
2. As we were about to start our book club discussion on the only book we've all read, the phone book, we were interrupted by rapid knocking at the door. We found out it was a group of refugees who survived the blast just like we did. They were doing much worse than us, and begged us to provide them with any water, food, or medical supplies we could spare.
3. As we were considering alternatives to the canned soup diet, a sudden knock at the door broke our line of thought. It turned out we were visited by a band of survivors who were in a pretty bad shape. All they wanted was to get something to drink, a bite to eat, or at least clean bandages and medicine to attend to their wounded.
Use Medkit/Water/Soup:[]
- We never seen anyone so touched by a simple gift. A minute later those poor people were hugging us like there was no tomorrow - quite possible actually - and thanking us for the gesture. They were eager to repay us, and one of their group offfered us a map of the local area. They claimed it helped them to get here, so it brought luck upon whoever used it. We promise we will give it a try and wished them a safe journey. -Medkit/Water/Soup +Map +Increases everyone's sanity to the maximum
- Our visitors were in tears when we gave them what they asked for. We survive the nuclear apocalypse only to be nearby strangled by thankful refugees! Hugs can kill, you know. Luckily for us, they decided to continue their journey to get somewhere safe before the sunset. As they were about to leave, one of them presented us with a portable radio. They would not take no for an answer and soon left, waving goodbye until they disappeared amongst the rubble. -Medkit/Water/Soup +Radio +Increases everyone's sanity to the maximum
- Our visitors had problems finding enough words to express their gratitude. Many tears were shed, smile and hugs exchanged, and they wished us all the best. It's a great feeling to be helping someone out. They left soon after to seek shelter in the ruins of our town. We hope they make it out there. -Medkit/Water/Soup +Increases everyone's sanity to the maximum
Use Nothing:[]
- We could tell our guests were not thrilled with our refusal. Their tired eyes alone were enough to understand how much they needed those supplies. They did not beg, but simply turned around and left in an unknown direction. Maybe they will have more luck elsewhere. Maybe.
- Our refusal to provide for our visitors was not rude. And yet, the minute we denied their request, they launched at us with their fists, stones, and branches! We thought we were as good as dead, but those barbarians were satisfied enough to steal our supplies. When they left, all we could do was ponder what to do in this very, very empty shelter. -Everything in the shelter
Winner Takes It All (Soup):[]
(If at least 2 Soup are in the shelter):
1. We didn't think we would get a chance to increase our food supply by simply playing a card game, but that's what we were offered by who knocked on our door today. Two cans of food. We win, we get his two cans. We lose, we give him our two cans. Are we going to do it?
2. A knock on the door is not something we take lightly, these days. So when a man came to our doorstep today, offering us a highly profitable game of cards, we weren't convinced. Is a bet of two-soup cans in a card game a reasonable choice in our situation?
Use Cards:[]
- (If soup is the lesser of your 2 resources) Ha ha! Lady luck has smiled on us! We won a vicious game of War. The man wasn't too happy about it, but he delivered on his promise. +2 Soup
- (If soup is the greater of your 2 resources) Damn it! That man must've cheated. We lost and before we could argue about it, the man left with our supplies. -2 Soup
Use Nothing:[]
- Gambling is a terrible habit! What kind of example is that to set the kids? We need supplies, but we're not getting them like that. We'd sooner rob someone. We sent that man away. Good riddance.
Winner Takes It All (Water):[]
(With at least 2 Water in the shelter):
1. Our hideout was approached by a man we didn't know. He claimed he used to be an accountant, but now he survives as a trader and... a gambler. He offered us a card game for a bet of two water bottles. Shall we play
2. We always steered away from casinos, gambling dens and the like. So when a man came to our door and told us he used to be a gambler, we were suspicious. He invited us to play a game. He proposed a two water-bottle bet in a card game of our choice.
Use Cards:[]
- (If water is the lesser of your 2 resources) Ha ha! Lady luck has smiled on us! We won a vicious game of War. The man wasn't too happy about it, but he delivered on his promise. +2 Water
- (If water is the greater of your 2 resources) Damn it! That man must've cheated. We lost and before we could argue about it, the man left with our supplies. -2 Water
Use Nothing:[]
- Gambling is a terrible habit! What kind of example is that to set the kids? We need supplies, but we're not getting them like that. We'd sooner rob someone. We sent that man away. Good riddance.
"Choose Someone" Events[]
(If Mary Jane and Timmy are in the shelter):
Mary Jane is pulling Timmy's hair and calling him a 'radioactive poopy butt' while Timmy is furiously kicking her shins, insisting she is a 'mutant booger'. Madness! Nobody knows what set this fight off, but one of the kids must be in the right... right? But, which one?
Choose Timmy:[]
- Mary Jane is older, and should know better. She was pacified, althought not without a fight. Guilt-ridden Timmy admited they fought because he stole his sister's harmonica. He returned it, and things are quiet once again. For now +Harmonica
- Mary Jane was deemed a bigger threat, especially when she whipped out an axe and started chasing Timmy around the table. Where did she get that?! The weapon was confiscated. And, you are grounded, young lady! At least until the next expedition. +Axe
- Turns out they were fighting over a spare can of soup! Despicable. Both of them are apologetic now, and claimed they would have shared it with everyone eventually, but why should they be believed? The can was confiscated. +1 Soup
- Before anyone could jump in, the kids suddenly made up, and everything ended as fast as it began. Nobody rememberes what caused the fight in the first place.
Choose Mary Jane:[]
- When confrontated, Timmy started shrieking like a banshee. Surprised, Mary Jane started wailing as well. Suddenly, everyone was screaming, and both children were bawling. Now, hours later, everyone's ears are still ringing, but we feel way calmer than before. +Increases everyone's sanity
- As a proud scout, Timmy should set a better example with his behaviour. He was swiftly reprimanded while Mary Jane giggled. Timmy went red-faced in the corner, but Mary Jane's mood brightened. Truth be told, we do prefer to stay on her good side. +Decreases Timmy's sanity +Increases Mary Jane's sanity
- Turns out they were fighting over a spare can of soup! Despicable. Both of them are apologetic now, and claimed they would have shared it with everyone eventually, but why should they be believed? The can was confiscated. +1 Soup
- Before anyone could jump in, the kids suddently made up, and everything ended as fast as it began. Nobody rememberes what caused the fight in the first place.
Choose Nobody:[]
- Turns out they were fighting over a spare can of soup! Despicable. Both of them are apologetic now, and claim they would have shared it with everyone eventually, but why should they be believed? The can was confiscated. +1 Soup
- Before anyone could jump in, the kids suddenly made up, and everything ended as fast as it began. Nobody remembers what caused the fight in the first place.
(If Harmonica is in the shelter):
The situation is simple - we're bored, it's too quiet and we're desperately craving entertainment. The solution also seems simple - somebody could give our old harmonica a spin. But who is best suited to give us a high quality mouth organ concert? A decision has to be made.
Choose Ted:[]
- Not bad, Ted! We knew he had some sense of rhythm - he has always enjoyed dancing. However, we never suspected him of the ability to create pleasant sound with his mouth, ones that are actually worth listening to. That was entertaining! +Increases everyone's sanity
Choose Dolores:[]
- To say Dolores has no ear for music would be too generous. She made a long series of abominable, discordant sounds, claiming she "nailed it". It was so bad, the terrible sounds gave some of us a splitting headache and made us feel physically sick. We would have thrown rotten tomatoes at her, but sadly the only tomatoes we have are in liquid form. And it's simply not worth it to waste soup on this. We've suffered enough for one day. +Someone gets sick
Choose Mary Jane:[]
- Mary Jane volunteered eagerly. It's obvious she really misses her tuba... she spend a few hours trying to remember all the songs she used to play and writing down the notes. In the end she was too tired to actually try playing any of the songs she wrote down and just fell asleep.
Choose Timmy:[]
- Timmy’s lack of confidence about playing made for an uneventful evening, filled with low volume, short wheezing sounds. Despite our best efforts to support him, Timmy just blushed and refused to keep playing. Weird, we thought laughing loudly and pointing fingers is a sure way to boost one’s self esteem. +Decreases Timmy's sanity
Choose Nobody:[]
- None of us is feeling up to the task and maybe it's for the best. Harmonica isn't a very graceful instrument - you either nail it, or you make everyone in the room hate you for years to come. We don't need that kind of conflict in our tiny bunker. +Decreases everyone's sanity
Movie Character[]
Journal entries:
- "Ted and Mary Jane have been butting heads lately. Today they got into an argument about movie characters, specifically, who would win in an ultimate battle - Peter Pan or an army of mutated cockroaches? It's a tricky one for sure, and the debate is heated. Who will come out on top?"
- "Ted and Mary Jane have been butting heads lately. Today they got into an argument about movie characters, specifically, who would win in an ultimate battle - mutated Godzilla or mutated King Kong? It's a tricky one for sure, and the debate is heated. Who will come out on top?"
- “Mary Jane was so confident about her case, she said she would bet a full soup can on it. In the end, Ted's arguments were just stronger, and Mary Jane begrudgingly handed him a can. We're not sure whether to be grateful for it, or angry that she was hiding it all along.” (+1 Soup)
- "Ted covered his ears and loudly sang to himself, drowning out Mary Jane's excellent arguments. She escalated the situation by tossing some objects around, whether for emphasis or in an attempt to recreate the battle. No agreement was reached and some supplies have suffered." (-1 random item)
Mary Jane: “Mary Jane objectively won the debate with the sheer volume of her voice. A few hours into the shouting, Ted was begging her to stop, complaining about a nauseating headache. Mary Jane was satisfied. Ted less so.” (May increase Mary Jane’s sanity and/or lower Ted’s sanity)
Choose Nobody:
- After hours of wild gestures, loud arguments, emotional rebuttals, and a few pie charts, Ted and Mary Jane finally decided it was impossible to figure out who would win. They shook hands and moved on, but it's clear the issue is still bugging them. +Decreases Ted and Mary Jane's sanity
- Mary Jane and Ted went head-to-head for hours, exchanging anecdotes and intricate details from the lore of the movies under discussion. What looked like a fight to the untrained eye was actually entertainment to these two. Geeks! +Increase Ted and Mary Jane's sanity
Mysterious Vehicle Down The Street:[]
(If enough expeditions have been done before):
Our last expedition brought news of a vehicle parked just down the street. It sure looked... unique, but we never get close enought to get a good look. We're almost certain it's not a bandit trap. Perhaps we sould send someone over to check it out?
Choose Ted/Dolores:[]
- A shocking discovey: it was a rusty tank! It was a little crispy around the edges, and it also missing wheels and some other crutial parts, but the seat were fairly comfortable. Wouldn't it be amazing to just drive away and leave this radioactive hell behind us? +Add Drawing of the Tank
====Choose Mary Jane/Timmy:====*A shocking discovey: it was a dirty ice cream truck! It was a little crispy around the edges, and it also missing wheels and some other crutial parts, but the seat were fairly comfortable. Wouldn't it be amazing to just drive away and leave this radioactive hell behind us? +Add Drawing of the Ice Cream Truck
Choose Nobody:[]
- It might very well be a trap set up by some bloodthirsty thugs. We're not about to just fall into their hands willingly. Let's let this go for now, the owner of the vehicle is bound to appear eventually.
Soup Thief:[]
When conducting our daily supply count, we've noticed that a soup can was missing. We're absolutely sure it was there just yesterday. That can only mean one thing... We have a soup thief among us! Now we just need to figure out who the culprit is.
Choose Ted:[]
- Ted admitted to hiding the can. Good thing he didn’t find the time to eat it all. He put the soup back on the shelf and sulked in the corner. You stay there, Ted! +Decreases Ted's sanity
- It was definitely Ted. It must've been him! He denies it all... Not only is he a thief, but also a liar! -1 Soup +Decreases Ted's sanity
- Looks like we just made a mistake when counting and started pointing fingers instead of making sure the can was actually missing. It’s easy to think the worst when stuck underground in a tiny, stinky cement box. The can was there all along and the only thing we managed to do is turn against each other and fight for no reason. Oops. Lesson learned. +Decreases Ted's sanity
Choose Dolores:[]
- Dolores took this opportunity to calmly point out how messy the shelter is. And by ‘calmly’, we mean that she hasn’t thrown anything at anybody just yet. We apologized to her when the soup can was found behind the cupboard. How could we ever suspect her of doing something so terrible? Shame on us. +Decreases Dolores' sanity
- We all looked up to you, Dolores...How could you do this to us?! Truly, nobody can be trusted in this troubled times! -1 Soup +Decreases Dolores' sanity
- Looks like we just made a mistake when counting and started pointing fingers instead of making sure the can was actually missing. It’s easy to think the worst when stuck underground in a tiny, stinky cement box. The can was there all along and the only thing we managed to do is turn against each other and fight for no reason. Oops. Lesson learned. +Decreases Dolores' sanity
Choose Mary Jane:[]
- We know what you did last night, Mary Jane, and we're so disappointed in you, young lady. W didn't raise you to be a nasty soup thief... -1 Soup +Decreases Mary Jane's sanity
- When confronted, Mary Jane furiously screamed it's the last time she'd try to do anything nice for US and threw a still full soup can at the wall, spilling the contents. When analyzing the Remains, we found the can to be elegantly wrapped using a piece of string with a nice Ribbon on top. It was supposed to be a Thanksgiving gift for us. We felt pretty guilty, so naturally we proceeded to not apologize to Mary Jane at all and instead started arguing and shouting at each other until exhaustion. Problem solved. -1 Soup
- Looks like we just made a mistake when counting and started pointing fingers instead of making sure the can was actually missing. It’s easy to think the worst when stuck underground in a tiny, stinky cement box. The can was there all along and the only thing we managed to do is turn against each other and fight for no reason. Oops. Lesson learned. +Decreases Mary Jane's sanity
Choose Timmy:[]
- It was Timmy. Hands to yourself, sneak thief! Timmy has received a lifelong ban on touching any soup cans, even empty ones. We’ll have to feed him with a spoon from now on and somebody else will have to take out the trash. He didn’t even look sorry! He just shrugged and belched loudly, smelling suspiciously of tomatoes. Ew. -1 Soup +Decreases Timmy's sanity
- At first, Timmy denied it all, but he broke eventually and spilled the beans. Or, to be more precise, the soup. He admitted that it was an accident and sure enough, there’s tomato-flavored pool of red liquid behind the cupboard. What a waste. -1 Soup +Decreases Timmy's sanity
- Looks like we just made a mistake when counting and started pointing fingers instead of making sure the can was actually missing. It’s easy to think the worst when stuck underground in a tiny, stinky cement box. The can was there all along and the only thing we managed to do is turn against each other and fight for no reason. Oops. Lesson learned. +Decreases Timmy's sanity
Choose Nobody:[]
- Whatever happened to our precious soup, we'll let it go. One can isn't worth the drama and arguments that would ensue and we real don't have enough evidence to figure out who did it. Maybe we just made a mistake when counting? We'll never know for sure. But if someone DID steal it, they'll be taking their secret to the grave. +Increases everyone's sanity
The Bucket Debacle:[]
Journal Entries:
- "Ted and Dolores argue about everything lately. Today's heated argument is about who should empty the bucket in the corner. Both of them swear it's not their turn. Somebody has to cave in and do it. But who?"
Choose Ted:
- "Ted's excuse for not taking out the bucket was back pain. Dolores didn't believe him, and nagged until he finally caved. He slipped and fell while carrying the heavy load and definitely hurt himself." (Inflict Injury upon Ted).
Choose Dolores:
- "Dolores gave up and went outside to empty the bucket, but something was blocking the hatch from the top. It was a person. Either dead, or dead asleep. We rolled him off our doorstep and found some supplies in the process." +RANDOM
- "Dolores could not take the stink anymore, and finally just took the matter - and the bucket - into her own hands. Ted felt guilty, and tried to help her, then they both slipped and... long story short, we had a lot cleaning up to do, and some things could not be salvaged." -RANDOM
Chose no one:
- "Neither Ted nor Dolores caved. The bucket kept filling up, and the stench got worse and worse. Nobody is feeling particularly good right now..." (+Decreases everyone's sanity) (+chance of inflicting Sickness upon family members)
Wedding Anniversary:[]
(If Ted and Dolores are in the shelter):
Seems like both Dolores and Ted have been keeping count, and today is their wedding anniversary! Oh, happy day. They both have prepared gifts and wishes for each other, and are eager to share them now. Who will open theirs first?
Choose Ted:[]
- Dolores gifted Ted with a can of delicious tomato soup. Ted was delighted +1 Soup | The gift was rather unorthodox - Ted made a craving on shelter wall. It was a heart shape with "D+T" engraved in the middle. Dolores called it vandalism. +Add "D+T" graffiti in the shelter
Choose Dolores:[]
- The gift was rather unorthodox - Ted made a craving on shelter wall. It was a heart shape with "D+T" engraved in the middle. Dolores called it vandalism. +Add "D+T" graffiti in the shelter | Dolores gifted Ted with a can of delicious tomato soup. Ted was delighted +1 Soup
Choose Nobody:[]
- ??? +Decreases Ted and Dolores' sanity
Atomic Ant Farm:[]
Journal: “What’s that glowing in your pocket, Timmy? Oh no… mutated ANTS! Their terrifying little mandibles almost gave Dolores a heart attack. She wants them OUT, but Timmy says it’s the beginning of an atomic ant farm. One of them has to have it their way. But who?”
Choose Dolores:
- On the topic of atomic ant farm, Dolores put her foot down. Several times. She swatted and stomped furiously, with a look of glee on her face, until all the insects were dealt with. Timmy was mortified. +Decreases Timmy's sanity +Increases Dolores' sanity
- Timmy Reluctantly agreed to get rid of the insects, but once they escaped his pocket, they proved to be rather hostile. One even bit his finger! Let’s keep our distance in case Timmy decides to mutate and grow a mandible over night. +Decreases Timmy's sanity +Timmy can gets sick
Choose Timmy:
- (With at least 1 Soup) Timmy was allowed to keep his ‘atomic and farm,’ to the detriment of our supply stash. The little mutants scattered, devoured a whole can of soup, and escaped under the cover of night. We’re relieved. They could have eaten us instead. -1 Soup
- (With less than 1 Soup) Due to a lack of any proper equipment, Timmy gave up on the atomic ant farm idea and tried to create an atomic ant circus instead. Most of the insects scattered, but he managed to teach one to do a salto before he got bored. Even Dolores appreciated the show. +Increases everyone's sanity
Choose Nobody:
- Timmy Reluctantly agreed to get rid of the insects, but once they escaped his pocket, they proved to be rather hostile. One even bit his finger! Let’s keep our distance in case Timmy decides to mutate and grow a mandible over night. +Decreases Timmy's sanity +Timmy can gets sick
Trade events[]
Trade events involve several characters who present several offers in one event. Some offers asks for one item the player has in exchange for an item the player does not have. Others ask for an item the player has in exchange for water. These events have a randomly-generated list of choices based upon what the player currently has in his or her possession; thus, a list of items is impossible to predict.
Several of the trade events have overlapping and changing titles; "Business as usual." and "Door-to-door sales." have both reportedly appeared as the name for the woman-with-camel trade. All trade events only occur once and do not repeat, although all of them may occur in one playthrough of the game.
Business as usual.[]
Journal entry: "A travelling salesman paid us a visit today. He introduced himself as Willy. Apparently business can do well even after the end of the world."
Accept trade: "We made a deal with the salesman and helped him pack. He strolled away into the wasteland like he knew exactly where he was going next."
Decline to trade: "That salesman was very friendly, but he didn't have anything that was of interest to us."
C. M. O. T. D.[]
Journal entry: "Today we were visited by a strange looking, little man who introduced himself as a trader. He insisted his prices are so low that it's practically like cutting his own throat. The least we could do was take a look at his offer, although for some reason we don't really trust him.
Accept any trade: "The weird man tried to make us buy fries cockroaches on a stick, covered in some mysterious sauce. These snacks looked pretty disgusting so we turned them down, but we bought something else from him. He looked a bit disappointed."
Decline to trade: "Despite his desperate attempts to sell us all kinds of things, useless and not, we turned down the man's offer. It's probably for the better, he did look quite untrustworthy.
Camel trade (unofficial name)[]
Journal entry: "A woman came by with a creature she claims is a camel... provided that camels have five legs. The animal is carrying a pack of goods for trade."
Accept any trade: "We exchanged goods with the trader and she went her way. Before she left, she insisted that we should listen to radio broadcasts, if we ever want to get out of that shelter and find a safer place to be." (Achievement: Contributes toward "Fair Trade")
Decline to trade: "In the end we decided her offers were not for us. Maybe another time. If she ever comes back."
Cheerful woman trade (unofficial name)[]
Journal entry: "Someone paid us a visit today – it was an overly cheerful, red-haired woman, accompanied by a grumpy looking mercenary-type who was probably her guard. She told us she was a trader and eagerly showed us the items she'd brought along."
Accept trade: "We managed to work out a deal. The woman also gave us some tips about surviving in the wasteland but her advice seems pretty useless. We already know that radiation is dangerous and that hitting a rat with a stick will eventually kill it... we thanked her and said our goodbyes."
Decline to trade: "It was hard to turn her down because of that damn cheerfulness, but we did it anyway. The woman seemed a bit disappointed and tried to offer us schematics for some weird gun. We turned that down too, it's not like we have any tools around here anyway."
Door-to-door sales.[]
Journal entry: "A stranger pushing a rusty wheelbarrow filled with all kinds of goods stopped by today. He claimed he's a trader looking to barter for items he requires: "
Accept trade: "After making the trade the man packed his things into the wheelbarrow and departed. Before leaving he uttered something about bandit activity nearby and how dangerous the area is."
Decline to trade: "We refused to trade. Hopefully we made the right choice, but the trader was not too happy about this."
The cookie business.[]
Journal entry: "When we heard a knock on the door this morning, we held our breath in fear, but we soon heard childrens' [sic] voices coming from outside. We decided to open up, it turned out the voices belonged to a pair of girls scouts. They used to sell cookies, but they have branched out and now they offer other items too. Smart girls."
Accept any trade: "The girls were very kind and their prices were more than fair, so we gladly accepted their offer. How very clever of them to keep their business alive even after the apocalypse! We're impressed."
Decline to trade: "Although the girls are very brave to walk around the wasteland like that, sadly they didn't have anything of interest to us, so we declined their offer. They wished us a nice day and left."