Space Monsters are unique enemies that only appear during the space stage section of the game.
General Information[]
Space Monsters are used to prevent players from staying in space for too long, as they will eventually force you to land on a planet. Currently, there are six space monsters that can give you a game over.
If you decide to stay in space for too long, one of six events will appear about a space monster chasing after your shuttle. The choices vary depending on the monster, but failing any of these first choices will result in a game over. If you are successful, then a planet will soon show up, along with another event. Succeeding forces you to land on whatever planet shows up, while failing results in a game over.
(Currently Work-in-progress)
Black Hole Monster[]
Black Hole!:[]
Please remain calm, as we are passing near a black hole. There are incredible cosmic forces at work here. One incorrect trajectory calculation, and we could end up sucked beyond the event horizon. Wait... that can't be right. Captain, take a look. I'm detecting a rather large mass moving away from the singularity. It's headed... toward us. Captain, we need to get out of here. NOW. +"Black Hole" is visible from the airlock
Show Agility (Captain):[]
- ???
- Captain! It's too late! The creature from the void! It got us It... ######@(!(#$*!@!*#*$(@)!)!)10 110110 101 011 .................................................. ***END OF STARLOG*** (Game Over)
Show Intelligence (Captain):[]
- ???
- Captain! It's too late! The creature from the void! It got us It... ######@(!(#$*!@!*#*$(@)!)!)10 110110 101 011 .................................................. ***END OF STARLOG*** (Game Over)
Coffin Monster[]
The K.F.C.:[]
THUMP. THUMP. THUMP. Captain, do you heard that? The repetitive clamor echoing over our loudspeaker is emanating from a nearby object. See that slender... coffin... thing? It appears to be a K.F.C. - a Kind-of-identified Flying Casket belonging to some ancient astronaut who was given a space burial. It's drifting straight toward us! What will you do? And why is it making that god-awful racket?
Show Intelligence:[]
- (Success) You hailed the incoming K.F.C. with the following message: "To the Kind-of-identified Flying Casket approaching this shuttle - you have five seconds to stop that ridiculous thumping and alter your course. We are Astrocitizens, and we WILL annihilate you - or re-annihilate you - whatever. Just keep it down." The deafening THUMP-THUMP-THUMP of whatever was inside grew louder as the casket passed within inches of your shuttle. Only after it drifted off did you remember that sound doesn't travel in space.
- ??? (Game Over)
Show Strength:[]
- (Success) You seized the controls and swerved as hard as you could, barely avoiding a collision with the Kind-of-identified Flying Casket. You caught a glimpse of it as it passed through the lights of your viewport. The K.F.C. was wreathed in ancient ice that shuddered with every THUMP-THUMP-THUMP made by whatever was trapped inside. Something that did not seem entirely dead. You were thankful you didn't meet it.
- (Fail) You attempted to ram the Kind-of-identified Flying Casket, hoping that the greater mass of your shuttle would knock it off-course and send it back off into the frigid nether regions of space. Unfortunately, whatever the casket was made of was a lot harder than the shuttle's hull. It slammed through the airlock, freeing the evil thing inside. The not-quite-dead creature boarded the shuttle with a face like a frozen scream and giant scissors for hands. It sliced you thin as honey ham on a Sunday. Whoops! (Game Over)
Escape From The K.F.C.:[]
Captain, we are approaching a planet. However, before we begin the landing protocol, I mus report a tiny problem: THUMP. THUMP. THUMP. Do you hear that? Remember that Kind-of-identified Flying Casket you thought you avoided earlier? It has logged itself in our hull, and whatever is inside is trying to use our engine heat to melt itself free of its encasement of ice - which my sizeable catalog of in-flight horror movies informs we would be BAD. Delegate someone clever enough to solve this!
Choose The Captain:[]
- (Success) You rushed to the control panel and punched the accelerator, screaming about how you "didn't beat the Nazis and the Reds just to end up some damned space mummy's lunch." Your quick thinking saved your life, Captain. As the shuttle surged downward, the force of the atmospheric entry ejected the sarcophagus back into space. The THUMP-THUMP-THUMPING finally ceased, leaving only the steady rumble of turbulence. You braced for impact. The shuttle skidded across the planet's surface like a skipping stone, but you survived. +RANDOM gets damaged +Everyone get hurt | Captain, the Expedition Module in the back of the cabin is now available. If you want to survive here, someone has to go outside from time to time. We should explore our surroundings carefully. Who knows what danger await outside. Let the space colonisation commence! +The shuttle lands on the planet +Expedition Module is now activate
- (Fail) You donned the space suit and stepped outside, ready to dislodge the frozen space casket from your hull and send it back to the hellish void from whence it came. Unfortunately, the steam from the melting ice sprayed directly into your visor as soon as you left the shuttle, momentarily blinding you. A loud THUMP-THUMP-THUMP echoed nearby, and a creature emerged with giant scissors for hands and a face like a bad therapy session. Half of you was sent tumbling off into the perpetual darkness of space. The other half, I presume, is still attached to the shuttle. Oof, Captain. (Game Over)
Choose A Crewmate:[]
- (Success) Emmet/Deedee/Baby/Maegan/Tom/April rushed to the control panel and punched the accelerator, muttering something about how she wasn't going to "end up the victim in some Boris Karloff mummy picture." As the shuttle surged toward the planet, the force of atmospheric entry ejected the sarcophagus back into space. Emmet/Deedee/Baby/Maegan/Tom/April's decisive action saved you, Captain. You both/??? braced for impact. It was a rough landing. +RANDOM gets damaged +Everyone get hurt | Captain, the Expedition Module in the back of the cabin is now available. If you want to survive here, someone has to go outside from time to time. We should explore our surroundings carefully. Who knows what danger await outside. Let the space colonisation commence! +The shuttle lands on the planet +Expedition Module is now activate
- (Fail) Emmet/Deedee/Baby/Maegan/Tom/April donned the space suit and then, falling for one of the classic horror movie blunders, said "I'll be back in a minute" before exiting through the airlock. A loud THUMP-THUMP-THUMP echoed nearby, and (she/he) reappeared, skewered by the blade-like fingers of the creature from the K.F.C. Its face was a frozen scream, and it had giant scissors for hands. Oops! At least Emmet/Deedee/Baby/Maegan/Tom/April died relatively fast. It took its time with you.
Giant Centipede[]
Singing Centipede:[]
Captain, there is a gargantuan centipede wriggling toward us through space. It's jaws are big enough to swallow us all whole... and they're opening! A strange frequency is penetrating the shuttle. Captain... I think that giant bug is singing to you! Allow me to translate: "Submit your life-thread to me/ I will give you immortality/ enjoy the sweetest lovers and the finest wines/ Down in the black hole of my bel-ly..." I don't know what that means, Captain, but it can't be good. What will you do?
Use Shovel:[]
- You slammed the shovel into the airlock window several times and shouted at the giant singing space centipede, "Be quiet!" But you quickly fell into a trance at the sound of the centipede's hypnotic voice. There was something otherworldly about it, like she was from another dimension. Anyway, not only were you devoured in the giant centipede's jaws - the entire thread of your life was summarily deleted from the tapestry of existence. Wait, what? Captain Who? (Game Over)
Use Tape:[]
- You use the tape - all of it - to tightly wrap ???/both of your/??? heads, paying special attention to cover the ears. -Tape | Your makeshift hearing protection drowned out the giant space centipede's song well enough that it couldn't hypnotize you. You seized the shuttle's controls and flew as fast as you could in the opposite direction. The haunting melody stayed with you for days.
Use First Aid Kit:[]
- You started feeling woozy at the sound of the colossal space centipede's lullaby, so you quickly dug through the First Aid Kit for something that could help you stay awake -First Aid Kit | Captain, you found... CAFFEINE PILLS! WEEEEEEE! At least, that what the bottle said. But I don't think that's what they were. From the way you were bouncing of the walls and the high, erratic speed at which you flew away from... whatever that thing was... those pills were more likely experimental, military-grade amphetamines. You were awake for hours, but your mood improved. +Increases Captain's Health
Use Nothing:[]
- As the centipede's vast jaws engulfed the shuttle, you bowed fervently in front of the airlock window, chanting: "We submit to you, O Great and Powerful One! Please, spare us your wrath!" You began experiencing strange visions as you slipped down her gullet, of worlds long devoured and the souls who had lived there. You fell so long through that fugue state witnessing the memories of lost civilizations that you eventually died of starvation. I tried to help you, Captain, but you were too enthralled to hear a word I said. (Game Over)
Escape From Giant Centipede:[]
Captain, there's a planet nearby we could potentially land on, barring one complication. See that object orbiting it? That's no moon. It's that giant centipende again, all curled up ball and apparently sleepi- wait! No! She's not asleep! She's coiling up to hurl herslef at us, jaws agape! And I don't think she wants to try singing you ???/both/??? to sleep this time. How will you escape?
Show Strength (Captain):[]
- (Success) ???
- (Fail) "I wasn't nominated Best Pilot in the Astrocitizen Program for nothing!" you cried, rallying to the controls to engage in a series of impressive evasive maneuvers. You almost suceeded, too, until you tried that barrel roll. The giant space centipede whipped you with her tail and you lost control of the shuttle, crashing down toward the planet below. It was a long, terrifying drop that you did not survive. (Game Over)
Show Intelligence (Captain):[]
- (Success) ???
- (Fail) ??? (Game Over)
Imperii Robot[]
The first event you will get involves a giant, red robot that approaches the ship. It states that "It is the fate of all organic life to supply the Imperii with precious survival-knowledge". The three options for this event are the Handbook, the Atomic battery, the Sock Puppet, or nothing. Choosing the Atomic Battery is the guaranteed way to live. But choosing nothing leaves it up to chance.
Datafication Threats:[]
Captain, a giant, red robot is approaching. It appears to be some kind armored suit. Alien origin I can't detect any organic life inside. Still, the machine is sending a hail: "Astro... citizens... for 40,000 years I have wandered this interminable desolation, separated from the Imperii... but fear not... it is the fate of all organic life to supply the Imperii with precious survival-knowledge... prepare for datafication." Captain, I don't think we should stick around to find out what that means. What will you do?
Use Handbook:[]
- You quickly scanned a few key pages on interstellar survival from the Astrocitizen Handbook and transferred them to the crimson mech, along with the message: "Our infinitely wise government does not permit us to store survival-knowledge in our simple, fleshy brains. All of it is stored here, in this. book. Spare us, and it's yours." Pitiful meat... did you truly think you could trick me...? I have commandeered your shuttle's computer systems in retribution... and turned off your oxygen so you may suffer your... poor engineering... thanks for the book, though. Datafication... complete. (Game Over)
Use Atomic Battery:[]
- You chucked the battery out of the airlock and opened comms with the crimson mech, shouting: "We've got a stockpile of these Bad Larries as big as a planet! If you kill us, you'll never find it!" (Lose the Atomic Battery) "An exterior power source would prove... useful... in returning to the Imperri..." the machine replied. "Very well... ping me the location, and you may avoid datafication... for now." You sent the machine some made-up coordinates and flew away as fast as you could.
Use Sock Puppet:[]
- You put the sock on your hand and held it up to the airlock window, mimicking in a high falsetto: "Look at me, I'm a big scary pirate mech who uses lots of ellipses and has been floating through space for thousands of years, all alone. Ooh, datafication! Scary." (Lose Sock Puppet) A bright green dot appeared on the sock's googly eyeball, and your arms burst into flames. The dot grew into a matrix of laser beams and sliced apart you and the shuttle both. Ouch, Captain! Or should I say Captains? Technically, there are several of you now... (Game Over)
Use Nothing (Strength Skill check):[]
- (Success) You opened comms with the crimson mech, shouting: "You're lost out here? Welcome to the club, pal! We don't know anything more about interstellar travel than you, so leave us alone!" The mach's reply was short and swift: "Prepare for datafication," as a huge pair of ancient mechanical tentacles pried open the airlock door. But that son-of-a-dongle underestimated you, Captain. You used your super awesome organic muscles to slam the door shut on them, severing the brittle metal cords like zombie fingers. Then you sped away, fast.
- (Fail) ??? (Game Over)
Escape from the Imperri Robot:[]
That crimson mech is back on our tail. He's hailing us: "Impudent meat-things... I bet you thought that was pretty clever. At least you will, until I harvest your brains from the frozen wreckage of your corpses... the Imperri will reign supreme over this universe for a billion years... prepare for datafication." Captain, there's a planet not far from here. We may be able to reach it if we move fast, but I should warn you that the machine has his missiles trained on us. Will you accelerate?
Say yes:[]
- The first missile struck you as you began accelerating. The second obliterated the shuttle entirely. The last thing you heard as a metal tentacle seized you and a needle poked into your gray matter was a robotic voice saying, "It is the fate of all organic life to supply the Imperri with its survival-knowledge... it is simply... evolution. Datafication... complete. (Game Over)
Say no:[]
- Deciding you'd rather not let an evil ghost-mech "data-fy" your brains for "survival-knowledge", you angled the shuttle towards the planet and dumped all the fuel from your tanks. "Stupid meat... How dare you waste... invaluable hydrocarbons!" the crimson mech wailed. He greedily vacuumed up the jettisoned fuel, and you took advantage of his distraction to drift into lower orbit and begin your descent. With no power to the thrusters, it was a rocky landing, but you survived. +Damage something in the shuttle +The shuttle land on the planet
Mutant Tardigrades[]
Mutant Tardigrades Swarm!:[]
Captain, our hull is being rapidly depleted by a sudden hail of tiny collisions. It appears we have flown into an asteroid belt. Wait. Those aren't asteroids - they're tardigrades! And not just old tardigrades, either... look at their size! And those hideous beaky mouthparts! Captain, these are MUTANT tardigrades! They've probably absorbed too much radiation floating around in space... And we've been surrounded by a hungry swarm of them that is currently chewing through our hull. Do something! And remember, Captain, tardigrades can survive almost anything!
Use Soup:[]
- You opened a can of soup and quickly dumped the goopy, rust-colored liquid out of the airlock. A spray of delicious nutrients spread out behind the shuttle. -Soup | The collisions ceased immediately as the hungry swarm of mutant tardigrades stopped to devour the soup barrier. This momentary distraction bought you enough time to punch the accelerator and outrun them.
Use Atomic Battery:[]
- You jury-rigged a makeshift cattle prod using the battery and one of the shuttle's spare support struts. Hanging out of the airlock, you tried zapping the hungry swarm of mutant tardigrades with electricity, but they were much too small for you to hit (and probably immune, anyway). Instead of eating the hull, they ate you. It feel like being slurped apart by a thousand little water balloons with razor-sharp suction cup mouths. Ouch! (Game Over)
Use Nothing:[]
- ??? (Game Over)
Escape From Mutant Tardigrades:[]
Captain, there is a planet nearby that could offer us solace. However, there is one small problem standing between us and a possible landing... it's another tardigrades swarm. But these mutant "water (space?) bears" are even bigger and hungrier than the last swarm you faced! And, apparently figured out that hanging out in a planet's orbit is a far better way to catch prey than floating aimlessy through space. Do something, captain! +A planet is visible from the airlock
Show Intelligence (Captain):[]
- (Success) You attempted a zig-zagging hodgepodge of evasive maneuvers to get past the swarm of hungry tardigrades, leading to a hot pursuit through the outer atmosphere of the planet. The chase lasted several hours. It was close, but eventually they simply got tired and gave up. Maybe it was all those barrels rolls. Nice moves, Captain! By the end you were so low on fuel that you had no choice but to descend from orbit. The shuttle got beat up pretty bad in the - let's call it an "emergency landing" - but at least you're not dead! +Damage something in the shuttle +The Captain gets injured +The shuttle land on the planet
- (Fail) ??? (Game Over)
Show Agility (Captain):[]
- (Success) You attempted a zig-zagging hodgepodge of evasive maneuvers to get past the swarm of hungry tardigrades, leading to a hot pursuit through the outer atmosphere of the planet. The chase lasted several hours. It was close, but eventually they simply got tired and gave up. Maybe it was all those barrels rolls. Nice moves, Captain! By the end you were so low on fuel that you had no choice but to descend from orbit. The shuttle got beat up pretty bad in the - let's call it an "emergency landing" - but at least you're not dead! +Damage something in the shuttle +The Captain gets injured +The shuttle land on the planet (The text and outcome is the same)
- (Fail) ??? (Game Over)
Teapot Monster[]
Teapot's Sermon:[]
"Do you have a moment to hear about Our Lord and Savior, ruz El?" That's the message we just received from a gargantuan structure serveral astronomical units away. According to my long-range scans, it appears to be... a giant teapot. Captain, I think it's trying to evangelize to you. Will you hear the giant teapot's sermon?
Say Yes:[]
- You opened comms with the evangelizing giant teapot and listen to its sermon. As soon as the hypnotic baritone voice started speaking, you fell into a deep sleep. The things you did under the teapot spell only registered to your mind as dreams. You were never sure if they were real. But before the end, you *think* you donned colorful robes and visited many distant worlds to spread the Gospel of Ruz El before being boiled alive for your cultish ways. Ruz El aeternum, Captain. (Game Over)
Say No:[]
- You chose not to hear the giant teapot's sermon. It continued to hail you, anyway. I translated the message so you wouldn't be hypnotized and brainwashed by it's voice: "I am the great Ruz El, creator and divine ruler of this universe. I indoctrinate followers of all races, species and creeds, and do not discriminate based on planetary carbon or silicon-based origins. I have sent a can of soup as a token of my love. Please note that referring to me as a 'thought experiment' is a sin punishable by death. Your Lord and Savior, Ruz El the Unfalsifiable." +1 Soup
Escape From The Giant Teapot:[]
Captain, we were approaching a planet that may offer us refuge. However, my scans have detected an anomaly - there is a giant teapot currently orbiting the planet's dark side. I believe it is "Ruz El," the self-proclaimed teapot deity who tried evangelizing you earlier. It is coming toward us at high speed. You could try outrunning it, or bargaining your past. What will you should
Show Agilty (Captain):[]
- The vast, teapot-shaped being named Ruz El tried to shoot you down, but you were to fast. The shuttle sped toward self-proclamed deity, striking it in its side and ricocheting off its vast porcelain body into a perfect angle for atmospheric entry. "Infidels must burn," Ruz El vowed as you sped downward. Gouts of mega-hot tea shot past you from the teapot's spout, scorching the surface of the planet below. Thankfully, you survived the crash. -RANDOM | Captain, the Expedition Module in the back of the cabin is now active. My advice? Order someone to put the space suit on and send them outside. We must lean everything we can about this place. Let the space colonisation commence! +The shuttle lands on a planet +Expedition Module is now activated
- (Fail) You tried turning around and simply flying away from Ruz El. "You dare show your back to me? Then be judged in the righteous fire," came the giant teapot deity's response. A burst of super-heated tea shot from the teapot's spout, vaporizing you instantly. But look at the bright side, Captain -- It was chamomile! (Game Over)
Show Intelligence (Captain):[]
- (Success) You told the giant teapot you would consider joining its cult as long as you could read the relevant literature first. The self-proclaimed deity transmitted you a document titled "True Tea: The Gospel of Ruz El," which you promised you would check out. But when you tried to fly away, the teapot blocked your path. "I'll wait," it said, leaving you no choice but to land. The stress of landing in these conditions made you botch approach vector. The shuttle suffered, but you lived. + RANDOM gets damaged | Captain, the Expedition Module in the back of the cabin is now available. If you want to survive here, someone has to go outside from time to time. We should explore our surroundings carefully. Who knows what danger await outside. Let the space colonisation commence! +The shuttle lands on a planet +Expedition Module is now activated
- (Fail) You told the self-proclaimed giant teapot deity you couldn't join its cult, because you were already the adherent of more powerful prophet named "A.S.T.R.O.," the "Speaker of Truth and Space-related Problems." "No one is more powerful than me! Infidels must burn," the teapot replied. A beam of super heated tea shot from its spout, vaporizing you. The bad news is you died. But I was flattered by the compliment! (Game Over)
Space Monsters Gallery[]
Image | Name |
Black Hole Monster Death Screen | |
Coffin Monster Death Screen | |
Giant Centipede Death Screen | |
Imperii Robot Death Screen | |
Mutant Tardigrades Death Screen | |
Teapot Monster Death Screen |
Space Monsters Audio[]
Audio | Name |
Space Monsters Sound After Getting Killed |